
The Bibles are meant to be taken. You're supposed to find Jesus in your motel room, and then the Gideon people provide a replacement.

It's not, actually. The idiots spouting that "slavery wasn't so bad" crap learned that shit at home, not school.

Whoops, Persia, the ones who were already here don't count! They were freeloading off the backs of hardworking asshole Puritans before they even got here!

I agree he seems dismissive, and I think if he's after Catholic-style atonement he should do more than go to confession - do some genuine outreach against racism, maybe use his millions to establish a foundation that helps victims; I do not have any idea what his philanthropic activities are, so if he's doing any of

Ok, Wahlberg should absolutely not attempt to contact his victims and apologize. If you'd had the shit kicked out of you by a stranger, would you want that person to come by for a visit? I absolutely would not want my assailant tracking me down, even if he was rich and redeemed and wanted to apologize. That would

Jane didn't turn into a druggie, she backslid. Her descent into full-on junkie makes sense when you consider that she's picking up where she left off.

There were some decent fight scenes. I think that's why I had the impression that I liked the movie on my first viewing, but on subsequent attempts to watch, jesus christ did that thing suck.

El-P in general is worth checking out. That interview is a decent place to start, though.

Dude, we're not mind-readers. I'm glad you're clarifying the situation (Mr. Greene deserves respect, goddamn it), and everything you're saying makes sense - next time start with this kind of nuanced and rational response!

The issue really isn't that you didn't do any credible research, just that you neglected a significant source. Additional footage on the Criterion release is a good source, and one that's not terribly obscure, either. However, you missed it. That's not a hanging offense, just a mistake. The problem is how you chose to

In the US, the only crimes without a statute of limitations are murder and fraud upon the court (when an officer of the court commits fraud while exercising their duties, e.g., a prosecutor fabricating evidence). Sexual crimes have a statute of limitations in every state.

Sure, just not Mark Wahlberg.

Nothing unsightly about an uncut cock, especially when it's erect.

"Opposition?" C'mon, give the Republicans a little credit; they've worked awfully hard at being such obstructionist little bitches.

Can't. Stop. Listening….

Professor: Tonight's a special night, and I want all of you to be alive. It's the Academy of Inventors annual symposium.

Woops, posted this in the wrong place.

I was surprised it wasn't a reference, given what a stupid invention it was. Just goes to show that the Academy of Inventors are a bunch of hacks.

What's the point of having your own TV show if you can't decide how many %s make a whole?

Saying "don't touch me" while holding up your hands and doing nothing even remotely provocative counts as resisting arrest, apparently.