

I agree, but they do look cool when they light up. I love John DiMaggio's line reading on "Hey, check out the glowing freaks!….It's beautiful."

The gallery has the responsibility to think of these things, though. The health and safety of the artist is a priority for them, and if this story is true, they seriously dropped the ball. Shia was vulnerable; that was the point of the show. They should have acknowledged the potential for violence, sexual or

Yeah, Ruth Rendell is extremely unsettling. She's a fine writer, but some of her books leave me creeped out for days after I finish them.

You think Laura Linney is way sexier than Catherine Keener? Seriously?

Except Grace Kelly. She treated his perviness like it was a joke, and apparently they became quite good friends.

You also have stuff like royal weddings and Jubilees, which aren't exactly holidays but they seem close.

Believe me, that is not something that everyone does.

That jumped out at me too. I wondered if she thought "ouroboros" is plural.

Spoken as another person who is really, really not into autographs…people who do stand up expect a certain degree of heckling from the audience, but the autograph line? No. If you're going to line up to keep a friend company, be polite and extend an old receipt or something for them to sign. If you can't manage that,

This is from one of the comments to that deadspin piece:

I agree, the OP was referring specifically to accusing Cosby of rape, not rape in general.

I think he means that 13 of them are named, while 5 are still anonymous. I don't know if this is accurate or not.

Even Machiavelli drew the line before drugging and raping people.

Yeah, the way she ditched her husband is pretty fucking cold. That's on her, not Seinfeld.

The woman is now his wife, correct? Isn't Jessica Seinfeld kind of a sociopath in her own right?

OK, no way I'm heading in there, so someone take one for the team and post the legal definition of assault for those jackasses: "Intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. No intent to cause physical injury needs to exist, and no physical injury needs

Wait, then what does forcing someone to touch your dick count as? Aggressive flirting?

Not really suggesting that you didn't, just highlighting that there kind of IS a News section…in the form of the Newswire.

Well, this isn't a news site. All the news is related to one area of pop culture or another. They do very helpfully post it on the Newswire, though.