
The Comedy section isn't necessarily funny (as these Cosby articles so well demonstrate), but it is where they stick all the stuff related to comedians. You want them to create an Unpleasant Comedy-Related Stuff section?

It aired with four episodes following it, and they did choose to air them in that order. Production order doesn't actually matter that much when it comes to what the viewers experience.

"Are you a cop?"

OK, so after you'd seen clips/read a synopsis of the episode you had no trouble seeing how it would play out? I don't really see how that adds up to an episode that is genuinely predictable; it's just an episode that got spoiled for you.

Goode review, although I don't feel like an asshole for thinking Fry and Bender should have shot McMasters. One assumes all the others were together/knew what was going on after they got eaten, but Bender and Fry did not. If McMasters is going to be so dumb as to approach them like that when they are genuinely still

Mom isn't in the organ regeneration business; the professor does that shit himself.

Upvoted because it really one of the funniest lines in the entire series.

I especially liked "don't drink alcohol ever; if you actually want a drink you may have a problem with alcohol."

I don't know, I don't think the lay/lie distinction is at all tricky; the only issue is that everyone uses "lay" incorrectly to the point where people have forgotten that "lie" is even a thing. The usage is changing, which is the sort of thing that happens and there's nothing wrong with that, but goddamn my grammar

Actually, Pixie has a point.* Insulting a woman's looks is very often a prominent part of criticizing any aspect of her character or behavior. (Think of, say, Hillary Clinton, who has for years been called an evil, power-crazed shrew whom nobody would ever want to fuck). Kim Kardashian is awful, a truly despicable

The plotting may be clunky, but I still love this episode because it shows that Bender, the theoretically emotionless robot, is actually the most emotionally reactive and easily hurt character on the show, at least when it comes to Fry. And damn it, he's just so cute bouncing around whistling because he's so happy to

So did Johnny Cash.

Jonathan seems to be the sort of person who genuinely can't grasp that people/dummies can be inherently evil. At the end, he's even surprised that Caesar won't speak up for him. I don't know, maybe he thinks that because he's vocally made a lifetime commitment to Caesar, it must be mutual and Caesar must have his best

I'm partial to "Have you ever tried turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?"

Yes, I understood your point. A large part of my point was that I really don't think that this review is an example of that; the analysis appeared to be based on the movie and not "clouded" by animus towards the filmmaker for his success or whatever else. IV did not review the filmmaker and not the film.

He gave it a freaking B-. It's not a negative review, it's mixed. And apart from the silly Batman-travel-plot-hole comment, I thought his analysis of Nolan's shortcomings was well-reasoned and not at all hostile.

I don't know, I thought he gave a decent analysis of the film in question. Personally, I enjoy Nolan's movies but I think he has some very serious flaws as a filmmaker, so I quite liked the analysis that was, admittedly, to a large extent framed by the reviewer's opinion of Nolan's weaknesses. It didn't exude loathing

Also…it is a movie. It bugs me when movies bungle subjects I'm familiar with, but at the end of the day, it's more important for the story to function properly so we're not stuck watching some scientifically correct but turgid piece of crap with lousy pacing and weak narrative structure. Factual accuracy is a lesser

It was not actually a hate-screed, in my opinion. Sure, he talked about Nolan's weaknesses as a filmmaker (and did an excellent job with it, too), but he also discussed his strong points and how the movie exemplifies both. The grade was a B- and the review matches that pretty well. It sounds like a movie with a lot of

Dude, you're not an asshole and you're not crazy. Not even slightly. If she's such a close friend, this has got to be pretty disorienting and painful for you, and you're not overreacting at all. She's the one with serious issues, but unfortunately you have to deal with them. You just can't have your best friend