
Oh holy fuck is it difficult. I use to work in an immigration law firm. That shit is no joke.

You're right - Oliver's not a citizen yet, so he can't make donations.

According to Wikipedia, he got his green card at the end of October, 2009, which means he'll be eligible for citizenship five years from then - which is pretty soon.

John Oliver can't even vote, so his political activity in the United States is limited from the get-go. And he's not pretending to be something he's not; LWT is a comedy show full of incisive reporting and actual jokes, nothing more nor less. It's also only been on the air for six months or so - it is much too early

Wow. Look, I give you the first thing Dan Savage ever wrote about Rick Santorum's comments and you still won't admit your mistake. This IS the starting point for his ire, for christ's sake. Initially, I was under the impression that you were referencing a piece that you knew well, given how forceful you were about

That speech really is remarkable. Goneril is a grade A c*nt, but what kind of father says that to his own child?!

Here is a link to Dan Savage's first published reaction to Rick Santorum's comments:

They're so pathetic, too. They always talk about how much research they've done and how much better informed they are, but they're too stupid to a) understand how immunology works or b) accept that it's really very complicated and that people who can't even understand the basic principle of the scientific method are

Actually, based on the insane rantings I've seen online, it would appear that a lot of them dispute the fact that vaccines actually work.

Ok, I don't think there's any point in going into the argument further, so I'll just say this: The feedback you receive is entirely negative, and all of it says pretty much the same thing. Perhaps you genuinely don't intend to be hostile, reactionary and confrontational, but that is the way you're presenting yourself.

You're only 30. Why the rush?

They do not serve the same function at all, so the idea that one has to win is pretty stupid.

Scotch needs a minute amount of water to bring out the flavor - like, a couple of drops. Anything else is heresy, and for good reason; it just waters it down and washes out the flavor.

He did offer, an episode or so back, to get her whatever money she needed to get her out of that stupid fast food joint. It didn't occur to me when I watched it, but it would make a lot of sense that he went ahead with that offer.

This is true, but I think the whole "the English are dicks to us" counts as part of the emotional appeal. However, Scotland has a huge amount to offer the UK, so I can understand them wanting more respect. Honestly, they deserve more respect from everyone else, too. I've been sort of disgusted by the reaction from

I agree - Scotland's push for independence seemed to be very much driven by the fact that Alexander Salmond is a very charismatic politician who really emphasized the emotional component. Charismatic politicians are all very well in their place, but one musn't let them talk one into major, major decisions based on a

Why would they stop? Unforgiven was Clint Eastwood's final say on the western, but that's entirely about him, not the genre as a whole. The brilliance of Unforgiven served to inspire other filmmakers rather than intimidate them into never making another western. The suggestion that one genre entry should be great

Calm down, dude. @Deoborah did not call John Shore an anonymous internet commenter; she did use that term later in her post, which apparently confused you.

I'm not sure that "fetish" is actually the appropriate term when discussing general physical preferences. Fetish, or paraphilia (and the lines defining this are blurry) refer to sexual attraction to atypical objects, situations, or individuals. Being strongly aroused by, say, hospice nurses is a fetish, whereas being

Hm. I guess I don't feel that the ending is either unearned or manipulative, it's just brutally honest. I know a lot about military history, and WWI was an especially tragic waste of life. Blackadder's typical cynicism is broken down into something more painful in the finale, but to me it feels natural and