
The average NFL career lasts 3 years, and bankruptcy rates for former players are extremely high. I love football as a sport, but its human costs are pretty extreme.

There were some comments on TMZ to the effect that "she had it coming" because she attacked him first and appeared to be "running her mouth." A couple of them even suggested that Ray Rice ought to be filing charges against her. This is the first and last time I look at comments on TMZ.

I think Jack the Ripper was the first serial killer to generate a huge amount of sensationalist press, both locally and abroad, partly because they were such gruesome murders and partly because low-cost, widely-circulated newspapers with multiple daily editions were a fairly recent thing, and people got very caught

They could have stolen one from a streetwalker and it'd have looked better.

The wig on "Alicia Silverstone" really is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in awhile. I know this thing is low budget, but jesus christ.

Nooo, you're quite wrong about that. Since it's already been well said, I'm just going to re-post Defenestrator's previous post in full:

Really? I've met tons of people who criticize them; personally, I'm a fan, but I still acknowledge their shortcomings. I've never come across anyone who gave them the blind unwavering devotion that some people give the Beatles.

Wow, I don't see that at all. Benigno doesn't want to marry Alicia when she wakes up, he wants to marry her while she's in a coma; he thinks of comatose people as capable of social interaction. And doesn't Benigno implicitly confess to the rape?

Yes, but narcissists can be serial killers too.

Yes, but narcissists can be serial killers too.

I agree, you've been quite reasonable. It's an emotionally charged debate, but I'm glad for your perspective - in my experience, use of the word "selfish" in this context has always been in conjunction with the implication that suicides are less deserving of respect in general (like Mr. Rollins so nicely

I think I was mixing you up with The Living Tribunal, who said it was always wrong; my bad. As for the shame, the dead obviously can't feel it, but their loved ones certainly can. What bothers me is that selfishness is so consistently brought up by so many people when discussing a suicide, and it is pejorative. It

Obviously you don't have to have politically correct feelings, but people are allowed to be scornful if they think you're being a dick.

I'm sorry, but describing all suicides as selfish is pejorative and judgmental. Maybe you should use a different word if you genuinely aren't trying to shame them.

I don't think most people condone suicide, they just don't stigmatize it and portray all suicides as selfish, shortsighted cowards. But nobody is pretending that this is ever a good thing.

Yeah…I'd completely forgotten Jon said that to Arya, but I think you're probably right.

That line alone makes the otherwise tedious Becky storyline worthwhile.

Well said. The McCoy family offering condolences "on behalf of the boosters and the entire Panther organization" was pretty shameless, and Matt's reaction was perfect, especially as, like you said, it showed how much he's coming apart. I have to wonder if they'd have bothered showing up with their gigantic basket if

I don't know, I thought she kind of jumped at the chance to fuck him, and she seemed to have some genuine interest in him until she found out he murdered her friend. That being said, the power imbalance is still there even if she really liked him, so you can't let him off the hook for any of it.

Amy and Amiability has some of my favorite Baldrick moments: he spends most of the episode with that damn chicken, first plucking it and finally stuffing it with the discarded feathers (among other things). I also love the way he lurches it around while he describes his passion for The Shadow.