
Hasn't it been kind of a long time since McCain has been on? They were pretty chummy for awhile, but I think that ended during the 2008 campaign.

You know, circadianwolf, you're actually slightly behind the times - the favored spelling is "trans*" not "trans," as Wad VanDerTurf has demonstrated. Are you so insensitive to the plight of non-cis individuals who don't identify as traditionally transgender?

Their concerts and holidays may be more peaceful, but they manage to get in plenty of rioting at football matches.

It sounds like this show is just too depressing for a snarky review.

Well, sure they get that kind of stuff up quickly…if it happens during regular weekday business hours. But yeah, I started looking for the obit Saturday morning, and I admit I was getting slightly impatient as the day went by. Dyess-Nugent writes a pretty good obit, and I love the comments section, especially for

Oops, you're right. His death was announced Friday night, though, and this obit was posted Saturday, so I still don't think it's a significant delay. The AVClub generally posts significant obits within a day, which I think is pretty nice when you consider that it isn't a newspaper and they technically don't work

Damn, they posted the obit the day the man died; it didn't take them long at all to "get around to it."

Hey, why downvote this? She does have a great rack.

Hey thanks for the thoughtful response. I have to say, Downton Abbey may be fucking terrible, but this review is excellent. I'd like to get "Downton Abbey suffers from a reliance on storylines that, in their desire to shock, strip the series of what makes it compelling" emblazoned on a big club, then beat Julian

"Downton Abbey is rarely outright terrible." Gotta disagree with you there, Myles. Downton is often completely terrible, although it's usually watchable (except for the horrible Bates and Anna storyline). It does have quality moments - I thought the episode where Sybil died was actually pretty good - but more often

Awww, thanks. Actually, I've been on the AVClub for donkey's years, but most of my comment history is under my other username, which I haven't been able to post under since Disqus' latest assault on the usability of internet comment pages. For some reason, Disqus doesn't care for Mrs Richard F Schiller, so now you're

For Christ's sake, no one has said people can't believe what they wish; disagreeing with someone does not deprive them of their fundamental right to have their own beliefs. People here aren't stifling anyone's beliefs, they're just evaluating them. It's unbelievably stupid to argue that one's beliefs must somehow be

I think that the show was a bit too vague on Talisa's background. She tells Robb that she's of noble blood when she tells that story of how her little brother almost drowned, but she doesn't say much past that. She seems to be a runaway, but then they had her writing letters to her mother. I honestly can't tell what

I don't know about how Walder Frey would have acted without Robb's betrayal; you are probably right about him eventually defecting no matter what. But sorry, in no way was Edmure Tully marrying a Frey adequate compensation for Robb's marrying someone else, even though the match obviously had its own advantages. That's

In any case, Edmure's marriage was a trap to kill the Starks. Frey never considered it as genuine compensation.

The marriage between Edmure and the Frey girl was only arranged after Robb married Jeyne/Talisa. It was intended as compensation, but no, at that time, marrying one of his girls to Catelyn Stark's loser brother (even as lord of Riverrun he was still kind of a loser) was in no way comparable to having a king as a

That IS a mistress, dude, and sure he could have. If her father decided to marry her off she'd get married, but it doesn't sound like Talisa's parents interfered with her life too much. And anyway, he's the king. Being the king's favorite mistress is a fairly prestigious position. Also, who did Robert want to keep

Yeah, the real evil incarnate is Ramsey Bolton.

I thought Talisa was a foreign noblewoman, right? Robb makes a big deal of how he just knows she's of noble blood, and I'm pretty sure he turns out to be right. Also, of course he could take a noblewoman as a mistress. That's standard practice in GoT's type of society.

Show-Robb wasn't really that much stupider. The only thing he did that was worse was to actually bring his new wife to stay in the house of the people he betrayed. Also, the marriage offered in return was in no way equal to or better than the original agreement. Marrying a Tully is good, sure, but not in comparison to