
Jesus Christ, the guy likes TV so he watches a lot of it. It's just like people who spend a lot of time reading and watching a lot of political commentary so they can enjoy their rage. Not my cup of tea, but hey, people like what they like.

Dany freeing so many slaves could be sappy, but ultimately it really isn't. She gets a few warm moments of feeling like a liberator, but, at least in the books, she's freeing slaves in nations that have slavery as the backbone of their civilization, so the results of her efforts are often pretty unpleasant. Likewise,

You honestly think O'Neal is giving more weight to Finke's thoughtless crudity than to Mandela's life and death? Really?

As others have pointed out, this isn't a news site. Yes, he influenced the pop culture landscape, but so do a lot of significant people who don't get obits here. If the AVClub did obituaries for every person who influenced pop culture, it'd be, well, a news site. And Scrawler is right, there will almost certainly be a

O'Neal's comments on Mandela are both sincere and reverent. With big news stories that don't fall within the scope of this website, O'Neal often opens discussion by linking them to stories that do, e.g., the Newswire ostensibly about Justin Bieber or someone equally ridiculous that he posted right after the Newtown

The human body is a complete bastard, that's why, especially when it comes to certain kinds of cell regeneration, e.g. beta cells in the pancreas. On the other hand, you can lose 75% of your liver and it will grow back.

1980 is the last birth year for Gen Xers, but this is really stupid. I was born in 1980, and I don't exactly feel generational kinship with people born in the 60s.

1980 is the last birth year for Gen Xers, but this is really stupid. I was born in 1980, and I don't exactly feel generational kinship with people born in the 60s.