
Thats A) because you didn’t make an effort to pay attention, and B) AKA the main reason, because the media treats Democrat and Republican first ladies differently. Laura Bush was (and is) an adamant education advocate, but you would never get the same media attention you do for her that you do for Hillary or Michelle.

Yes there’s no better way to actively spurn attention than to get up midway through a televised press conference and walk off. It worked so well that it’s all anyone seems to be talking about. Excellent point, thanks for chiming in.

“That works, so long as you forget that Manziel is the same guy today that he was yesterday, and that there has been every indication that Manziel has been heading down a destructive path for quite some time now, and that he has repeatedly been enabled by those in his inner circle. Burkhardt has been Manziel’s agent

Hey guys, good job. You did exhaustive research trying to prove this guy to be a liar, but came up short. Alas, you ran with the pointless story anyway.

Did you enjoy watching your first ever NFL game on television today?

No, I see that he talks like a weasel.