
Came just to post this. My caption: “I’m sure there’s no connection...”

Literally every subculture is plagued by those who tout their way as the “One Twue Way”.

I’m no fan of Hillary, but...really? So, if she’s a “bra-burner” because she’s a female running for president, what does that make Carly Fiorina?

This. And regular piss tests for steroids and any other drug that causes and/or amplifies aggression and paranoia.

She’s just blatantly Panda-ring to the Furry vote.

Dude, have some respect. A human is dead.

Well, lawyers bill by the hour, so you can be sure they’ll be paddling their timesheets.

I’ve tried to write and given up on it several times because I thought my stuff sucked. But, 50 Shades, Twilight, The Hunger Games, and the Gor books sell like I guess I just need to swallow my pride, and keep at it.

Anybody who’s ever had to hassle with a trailer and hated it can tell you why this idea never caught on.

Good God, who lived there? Sterling Archer?

When will our robot-owning capitalist overlords get the message that eliminating jobs also means eliminating consumers and taxpayers as well?

That’s a lotta cheddar! Man, if I had that much cheese, you know I’d have it in a Swiss bank!

Then be a grown up and scroll past it.

You could not be more wrong. Everyone with an once of common sense knew that tearing open the Pandora’s Box of the middle east would let the demons loose. And so it came to pass.

I think past articles have shown that Tyler’s writing about much, much more than vehicle specs.

Who said “Politics is war by other means”? You can’t have war without politics.

Oh, the old, “But everyone else is doing it!” excuse.

Not to mention millions of helpless and innocent civilians, and the blood is still flowing today. They are directly responsible for the birth and rise of Daesh.

“83 years old and is as sharp as ever, and nobody would try to claim that he is dumb or that he doesn’t have a nearly obsessive work ethic.”

If you look like her, but, unlike her, are not young enough to be my daughter, please get in touch ;-)