Since when can only party nominees participate in debates? Who made that rule, and when? And how fucked up is that? What happened to Freedom of Speech?
Since when can only party nominees participate in debates? Who made that rule, and when? And how fucked up is that? What happened to Freedom of Speech?
Perhaps she shouldn’t have marginalized herself by reneging on her agreement to debate Bernie. And it’s not exactly if either trump or Sanders have declared she would not be welcome to join for a three-way debate.
“You should be willing to debate anywhere, anytime”
If only either Bernie or Trump were a billionaire who could afford to give away millions without even noticing.
Why did the Siamese Twins go to England?
Fat Man is still part of the inventory?
If I only had a dollar for every vid on the web of cops being douchebags, I could buy and sell Donald Trump many times over.
You should read Riding the Iron Rooster by Paul Theroux.
And when a franchise owner gets accused of wage theft for things like not paying for ovetime or breaks, I assume you’ll be just as righteous? Notice that businessmen who exploit and abuse employees are hardly ever prosecuted, and when they are usually have to merely pay a fine that’s less than what they stole, and…
Go home comrade, you’re drunk.
Anybody who says that Syrian refugees can “just go home” should just plain fuck off. Or better yet, be forced to go there themselves.
Considering that Russians had slaughtered tens of millions of Russians in their Civil War, Collectivization, and purges before Hitler even took power, it seems fair to describe the Russian attitude towards the taking of human life less as “tolerance of” than “enthusiasm for”.
Radio has been comatose ever since every FM DJ had to be a Howard Stern clone, while every AM talker had to be some variation on Rush Limbaugh.
OK, here’s a favorite story of mine you might enjoy. I met a guy one time who told me about this job he had answering phones for some giant global insurance company. From his board he could transfer calls to any extension in the company, or literally any number in the world. If people were nice to him, their call went…
Morning radio is the kind of thing that makes me think of a global pandemic that kills of 99% of humanity as a blessing.
I wouldn’t characterize listening to Howard Stern as being immature, but it’s definitely a sign of bad taste, and for me it’s not just a Red Flag but an automatic Deal Breaker.
From your keyboard to Jeff Bezos’ screen...
Glad to know there are still some Anthony Weiner fans out there.
I was going to vote for Bernie already, but if Susan Sarandon or any other hotties want to send me cleavage pics, that’s ok, too.
Just what I came to comments to say—Gloria Steinum got it exactly backwards—girls are meeting boys just to stump for Bernie.