
Since when can only party nominees participate in debates? Who made that rule, and when? And how fucked up is that? What happened to Freedom of Speech?

Perhaps she shouldn’t have marginalized herself by reneging on her agreement to debate Bernie. And it’s not exactly if either trump or Sanders have declared she would not be welcome to join for a three-way debate.

“You should be willing to debate anywhere, anytime”

If only either Bernie or Trump were a billionaire who could afford to give away millions without even noticing.

If somebody adds value to a product in seeking a higher price, that’s fine. When rent-seekers and speculators monopolize things and reduce availability while adding no value, but raising prices, they should be prevented or punished.

Right. And since “investment” is what drives prices up without adding value, discouraging it is a Good Thing.

Why did the Siamese Twins go to England?

Fat Man is still part of the inventory?

If I only had a dollar for every vid on the web of cops being douchebags, I could buy and sell Donald Trump many times over.

Nice. I’m selling an accessory to go with it. It’s a small pile of crushed gravel and ashes, which I call “Alderaan”.

Oh, I’m sure you’d keep them comeing.

You know what’s a waste of my time? Watching videos when I could simply read the info much faster.

Spider Pig, Spider Pig. Does whatever a Spider Pig does.

I smell a new superhero, and another Marvel franchise.

You should read Riding the Iron Rooster by Paul Theroux.

How difficult would it be just to put some steel in the board and use magnetic pieces?

What this article ignores is the reason why people are forced into PA patterns: The Power Dynamic. Nobody avoids a conflict they know they can easily win. It’s the imbalance of power—be it between you and the government, you and your boss, you and the bully who’s bigger and can easily beat you up and take your lunch

And when a franchise owner gets accused of wage theft for things like not paying for ovetime or breaks, I assume you’ll be just as righteous? Notice that businessmen who exploit and abuse employees are hardly ever prosecuted, and when they are usually have to merely pay a fine that’s less than what they stole, and

So let’s get this straight: You seem to be acknowledging that infinite consumption on a world with finite resources is unsustainable, yes? If so, congratulations for getting it. But then, your solution to this problem is to simply wipe 50% of the population out of the work force and condemn them to slow starvation?

So, your premise is, the only reason people invest is because everyone has the goal of not just being the richest person in the world, but the goal of having all the wealth, like the winner of a game of Monopoly?