
If you don’t know the difference between a gun and a tv I’d have to say there’s a lot you don’t get.

Whenever I need to read about serious feminist issues, I come here to Jezebel and see story after story about the Kardashians.

When I can kill dozens of people with my tv from a distance, then re-load it and kill dozens more, you will be perfectly justified to ask me why I “need” my tv.

I would say that’s the lamest excuse in the world for having a deadly weapon. Such an arguement reveals one to have the mindset of a spoiled child, which is exactly the opposite of the maturity and responsibility required to bear arms.

Who the fuck cares?

Because being poor and black excuses everything.

This is kinda scary. I mean, it gives me the Willys.

Missing the point. Government is obligated to serve the public. Private business’ only obligation is to turn a profit. If they serve people at the same time, that’s merely incidental.

The nonsense is being forced to do something that no other entity is being forced to do.

Don’t forget to keep a fire extinguisher handy by your bed. If someone breaks in, spraying them in the face will blind them or at least force them to close their eyes. Next you kneecap ‘em, then bust them upside the head with the canister.

Seems to me like the ones who are ok with rape are staying there.

1865 is less than two centuries, fyi.

Is that the same USPS that the Republican congress mandated must pre-fund all its pension obligations for the next 75 years?

The problem is that way too many people confuse the purpose of the public and private sectors. The purpose of the public sector is to serve the people and fulfill their needs. The purpose of the private sector is to turn a profit. Period.

Oh, come on. Privatized prisons are doing just great!

Looks like the perfect car for that family vacation road trip to Wally World.

Oh, please. All Republicans like to say we need better jobs and wages, and that the way to achieve them is simply to lower/eliminate taxes on the rich and corporations, and to gut regulations. This has been their agenda for a hundred years and more.

My plan is to open a Vietnamese restaurant staffed enteirely by Caucasians.

IANAL, but I see a bit of a loophole here...

Well, at least you can count on HAL to open the garage bay doors for a fellow machine.