Cognitive Decline

Yep. After all those years of crying about Death Panels - they finally have one.

Ahhhh…the binding tie with Young Ted. Now we know.

I'd like to tie my pantaloons in a knot around his neck to make sure he gets a good whiff of my shat.
Say what?

Yes, I thought that too. I wouldn't want to be called mooch.

This guy, Mooch…what an asshole.
-Mark Twain

Yes. It's sick-making.

You got trolled, doctor.

I keep hearkening back to my pre-decline days when, if I hated the President, I was like "meh - in four years there'll be another guy I don't really care much for, but will be better".

No disrespect…But will he stay dead?

So this fucking horrendous horrible bitch is so fucking cheap she's not going first class?
Tell her to put a crowbar in her wallet and pony up.

WOW…guess I should see Ed Wood.
*hangs head in shame*

Twilight Zone mention but no Outer Limits mention. It was a great episode. He's a mutant that comes back to stop the man who will create the potion/disease/whatever that causes all the problems with the future world. Most of the time in heavy makeup.

Where are all the people that were worried about "people…coming to get your guns!"

King Crimson.

There's no way I can sit through seven minutes of the Crypt Keeper.
She really is a microcosm of the whole Trump phenomenon. Just a horrible creature.

Didn't MIT do something like this with marbles or ashtrays or some-such?

Oh c'mon. At least it's not about Trump.

YES! Cigarette and all!

How could a hot dog be a sandwich? They don't have to be on buns or bread you know.
Hellloooo: franks and beans anyone.
Also: I had a friend that at them right out of the pack (urg). He would say, "they're pre-cooked" as if that helped the situation.

Ghoulish. That's the descriptor I've been looking for. Thanks.