Cognitive Decline

He looks like a demented toddler.

Yep. It's all about ego. The ego wants the drama…it's what keeps it alive.

His massive ego just will not let him quit. How ANYONE can take anything this shrimp has to say seriously, is beyond me. Except that maybe THEIR massive egos will not let them admit they made a HUGE mistake.

Yeah. He just does not give up. It's incredible.

Radical agenda indeed. He was a Big Man stompin' through the streets with his Buds.
He and Trump should get along famously.

It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

At the end…I check the bald SS agent to the left. He looks like…"head on a swivel! Somebody's gonna take him out!" The looks on his staffers faces are priceless. The isolated views of Kelley as he winces and stares at his shoes. He was begged to take that job and I bet he regrets, with every molecule of his body,

I think this guy is the biggest lying bag of shit to ever stand before the American people.
It's unbelievable.

I tuned into Fox & Friends this morning to see what they had to "say" and they were talking about the whole statues thing. Statues.
Statues that are now supposed to be "teaching aids" regarding the past…not repeating mistakes, etc.
Now hear this: you don't erect statues, commemorate parks, name ANYTHING after people

Remember everyone: Do not feed the trolls. THEY need US.

Yeah…that DID NOT look good. Bruised or broken ribs. That's what massive ego will do for ya.

I believe, once you are logged on, ctrl-alt-dlt - and you will be given the option to change your password. That's typically how it works.


He's too easy to spot: old white dude in a hoodie? He'd be blasted as soon as he stepped off the stoop.

Meh…could be worse. But not Willis though, he doesn't appear to pull this off.
What about The Giggler, man? This piece definitely needs a Giggler.

OH - I thought I was the only one. I should have read down a little further.

What about the coconuts - are they OK?

They can't/won't control it - that's why they want it gone.
That's the first thing you do - take over the media. Then only YOUR message gets through.

Embarrassed to admit: I have a pair of sony FM headphones, the kind with the antenna. The pads are long, long gone - the plastic speakers sit uncomfortably on my ears. The little battery door pops off all the time; every now and then you gotta give 'em a good bash to come back. But these things must be close to 20