Cognitive Decline

Relax…don't do it. When you want to go t…….
Awe, who gives a shit, I'M GONNA DIE AS I LIVED!

Neither do I. I wasn't a child but I think I would remember the pre-cursor to the Black Hole Sun video. Maybe not… it WAS the eighties.

I hate to be a cynic (since I am most assuredly one, especially when it comes to King adaptations) but I think you're right. I missed the ep but I'll catch it. Saddening.

"He fights far with far"….it's not an accent (I'm from Baltimore) - SHE CAN'T EVEN SPEAK.

OMG will this shit never end! I thought Nixon and Bush was as bad as it could get. But this vile loon takes the cake.
I feel sorry for my kids, they're old enough now to form their own opinions but good Lord…I mean it's UNBELIEVABLE.

Yep, I concur. This is one of my favorite movies, probably because I grew up with it and all the holiday connotations, etc. And I have posted here a couple of times on Boyd's death scene as one of the scenery-chewing best of all time. But, yeah, it never really occurred to me until recently that, uh-huh, they were

…correspondent on Fox News…He can read and write?

George is the "Crispy Colonel".

Actually he could go a long way towards making America great again by…DYING, already. Just die.
I don't think I've ever said that about any president, even Bush. Maybe, Chaney.

The Mist is one of my favorite King stories. But nothing seems to quite get the flavor of the novella. Seems to be that way with King (as is well documented). This seems to have very little in common with the book other than mist.

Yes, I too am a great fan of the Tommyknockers. Probably because of the timeframe in which I read it, but, I don't think it deserves all the unabashed hate it receives. The TV movie was also appropriately cheesy but still fun.
The dog running in the tube is an arresting image (in both mediums).
Waddayawant - Hemingway?

He's like Hitler - nothing can kill him. The devil is truly on his side.

I'm afraid you've summed this up nicely.

Can you imagine this villain at Raven Rock? All protected by a mountain and what not while we all die hideous deaths. We're through the looking glass here, people!

That robot appears to have a beard. Say what?

Besides the movie success the real show stopper is that this was do or die for Stallone. He bet it all on his screenplay and then insisted that he be the actor. A real American success story. Perhaps a little trite to say but true nonetheless. Huge cujones on both these guys…and it pays off in the biggest way

When they say "I'm not a fan" or "I didn't vote for", you can bet that, on some level they are, and , they probably did.

Yes. Yes. And…yes.

This reaffirms my notion that Megyn is not to be trusted as any sort of "journalist" type. And it was a mistake to hire her. Their credibility took a big hit in my eyes.
I mean, look at her in that picture. Why would you want to be associated with this asshole in any way, shape, or form? All for ratings and to get her

The same thing that is wrong with people who vote for an obviously vile loon for…PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Sometimes I think this nation just may disappear into its own even horizon of stupidity.