Cognitive Decline

He passed out? On stage?

Springsteen has a great Chuck Berry story about being his backup band one night. It's on youtube so I won't rehash- but he said it was terrifying. But it's funny to listen to him tell it.
Pain/terror + time = funny

Aye, cap'n.

Cicadas is a good idea: ugly, roundly hated - and those eyes! No mouth parts but we can fix that.

The only one that sticks with me is journey to the center of the mind. I guess I have to give him some sort of grudging credit. I guess.

Well, turn about is fair play. But not lately. I'm guessing early eighties.

Gene Simmons, really? Not that that surprises me by any means but I didn't hear about it or think he cared about much that went on beyond the tip of his…nose.

Gad, man. I played a ton of his stuff in the eighties and by fifteen I could do anything he could do guitar-wise. The same key, the same re-cycled riff - hammer on the open A and D string at fret 5 BABY…YEAH!

Yeah, I posted some time back about playing his music back in the day. The beginning lick of Stranglehold literally made the bass player ill. It was huge fun. Rob drank a lot in those days.

Yes, I've always thought there's way too much going on there; too much braggadocio and alpha male boondoggery. He's a caricature.

OMG…that's horrible. Clever, but horrible.

You are correct, sir.


I agree. And it's lauded and played to death every Christmas.

Yes. I enjoy the show and I'm not the least bit, what is now called, conservative. It's pretty funny, well written, and good ensemble acting. I thought the right wing values of the show's father figures were part of the act, it didn't bother me. IT'S A SITCOM!


But he does HAVE gaul. I mean gall. Sorry.

Wasn't there an episode about this? Where everyone in the apartment building was supposed to hug when they saw each other?
At Kramer's behest, of course.

They're fucking stupid. At least 25% of them. And I REALLY hate to say that about my fellow Americans, but what choice is there? Unless he's some sort of Satanistic Svengali who can control others through supernatural means.
I guess people are just OK to overlook all this to effect some sort of "change". They'll get it.

Upvoted for exceptional honesty…in a time when that is in short supply.