Cognitive Decline


Interesting you should say that, I saw Lawnmower Man again not too long ago, it doesn't seem to show up much. I like it - but it is a pretty terrible movie. But I still like it- giant wasps and all.
It has more substance - yes?

I should have come to the comments first! FIRST!!! GAAAAAAAAWWERRREWW.

Sorry. Hilarious. Sorry, again.

Too bad he can't Dead Tweet them.

Gad - you're right - my horrible mistake. I'll report to the prison/workhouse immediately.

If they would rather die then they better do it and decrease the surface population.
Are there no prisons; are there no workhouses?

Just out of curiosity, without igniting some sort of unholy shitstorm:
If a white guy calls me a Cracker, does he get a pass?
No. Because to me, Cracker, is a highly derogatory term, indicating a narrow-minded, racist, violent, dumb-ass type of person.
As in: Our current AG is a beady-eyed Cracker.


Really…who gives a shit? There are "profane" images everywhere.

REIGN OF FIRE is one of my favorites. Underrated all the way. Awesome!

Yes, that is a great episode.

I think Trump-years will be like dog-years - @17 real-time years for every Trump-year.
I'm feeling it.

If he was close to the truth it would swat his hand away (a-la Melania).

What the hell is going on here? This is OK now. DJT supporters are no doubt dancing in the streets over this.
How can this country turn the corner so quickly? I mean, we are going down the royal road here to…some hybrid consumerism/totalitarianism/police state nightmare.
Glad handing the Russians? This is treasonous.

Point well taken…and thank you. It's been a long time since I've listened to that. Instantly transported, it's fantastic.

Me, too! …And I have it!

Citizen Cannabis!

unaccountable global popularity?
Hows that for accountability?
