Cognitive Decline

Yes, I've often said I think Beck is the best one still going. Those two Jan Hammer albums were mind-blowing. Paving the way for the Satrianis of the world.

I agree…not so much with Vai, though. He always struck me as machine-like. I didn't 'feel it' really with him.

Exception noted. And while I see you are a SRV aficionado : how about the time on Austin City Limits when Jimmie Vaughn comes up and wraps his arms around his brother to play that double neck! Can't remember the song though.

How about Black Napkins. I used to love that. Had it ON CASSETTE! Blew that bastard up!

Not Hendrix - the original? While I agree on any and all things SRV, I must take exception here.

Whoa there mr krinkle. Voodoo Chile?

Hendrix - Voodoo Chile (not Slight Return) - can't be beat.

Upvoted for Gilmour. His whole career is one long solo.
Whenever I get into the whole "who's the best" I always point out the difference between someone like Malmsteen - who's essence is speed, and Gilmour - who rings the most out of every note. And then there's EVH of course. So many greats…who could pick?

Somber Sandwich.

This is kind of maudlin, but given the circumstances:

Now, that's a good post.

That's a good argument. I like that argument. Keep going with that.

I'm sorry - I laughed. But I needed that laugh.
(At Kid Rock's expense…yeah that's fine)

Yep! Five AM, radio came on, and I sat straight up - grabbed the phone - and was instantly hurt. BAD day for Rock and Roll (and everyone).

You've got to be kidding me. Please, no.

Yeah - I think the Paul Rodgers thing was a compliment on the voice. Many consider PR to be "the best all-around voice in rock", ever. Debatable for sure.
But this is terrible - I really thought he was just a great artist - period.

I think more annoying that any repetition is the vocal gymnastics thing where they run the scale all around the note before settling (if ever). What are now classified as R&B vocalists seem to be the main offenders. Every "The Voice" contender does this ad-nausem. Constant noodling.
(No, I don't watch the voice, but

Who has the best yarl? I say Layne Staley.

The Residents! The eyeball guys, right? I haven't heard a reference to them in many years.
I may even have that album, given to me by a friend…I'll have to look.

That picture instantly reminds me of The Big Chill - for some reason.