Cognitive Decline

He is dumb, but he is also evil. Much of his nonsense is calculated to throw everything to the wind.

The real shame of this is he has totally demolished the credibility of the office he holds. No one can believe anything that comes from him or the office - THE HIGHEST IN THE LAND!
It's not just skewed to the right (or left for that matter - depending on who's in) but flat-out disingenuous, lying, dangerous, crap.

OK - thanks for your info.
Actually, it's memories that are implanted.
I do remember the Unicorn scene of course - I don't know bro… the jury's still out for me.
Has R Scott ever weighed in, do you know?

OK - I'm on the decline. How is it clear he's a replicant? - indulge me.

Yep,Yep,Yep…it's great. Maybe my all time favorite. I have the Director's Cut and watch it periodically, mostly for sentimental value. I am one of the few, however, that enjoy the standard version with H Ford's voice over. Go figure.

FInally!…I have something in common with Harrison Ford. Tits.

My God - Is it possible that this current nightmare makes Nixon look like a better choice?

Eight Days a Week for me. Don't know either.

Really? I was told that it was an affectation based on the fact that prison clothes are so ill-fitting that that's the way many look…in prison. And that dressing that way intimates an association with prison/thug life.
And while we're at it: when do shorts get so long that they aren't shorts anymore? I mean if shorts

Sometimes when I lament what appears to be a complete waste of the gift of my life, I see….
Brad Pitt's not happy either (?).

How about the congressman that screamed out "You Lie" at Obama that one time on the floor? He should have got canned immediately. One of my few gripes with OB- he should have had that guy removed and fined (at least).

When I saw the trailers for the first one I thought it was horrible. And then I actually caught it and really liked it. Is it wrong to relate to a mutated raccoon? The whole Groot thing is a bit much but overall…pretty good. Looking forward to seeing this in the theater with the kids.

He will manufacture a crisis and then declare marshall law. He will take over media and his will be the only voice heard (under the guise of something like Fox).

OH GOD…I just googled that…YES, now I remember. Others are pretty upset about that omission as well. Lord, that seems like a hundred years ago. Where did I go?

TWotEF is one of my all-time-fav-o-rite songs. And the Lightfoot catalog is awesome!

I miss the radio of the 70's. Every type of song next to each other in the play list. Money killed it.

Indian Reservation is an awesome song.

Me too. I used to go to my Gparents farm every summer in PA. Heard all these songs on the little sea-foam colored radio that sat on top of the fridge or the blue Chrysler they used to drive into Chambersburg for shopping (that wasn't available in Greencastle).

Rulers. Who knew?

OOOHHHHH…(in full Andrew Dice Clay mode)