Cognitive Decline


Heavy Seas, anyone? Bueller…Bueller..?

The whole thing is too much. (see my Wow comment). Wow.

Wow. Just, Wow. Are we fucked or what?

He should not be allowed to drive.

Doing me a frighten? Just when I think the world can't get any more….

I'm afraid I have to agree. The best thing would be to let her go in to a room full of crickets and pay absolutely no attention.
I'm also afraid of how much I hate this person - who sows evil and hatred everywhere she goes. Hate is bad all the way 'round.

WTF is this? The world is coming to an end led by a mango-headed freak and we're talking about this?
Maybe RK still has some relevance, but, Good Lord, can we not let this little girl rest in peace?
I'm thinking about disappearing into the Canadian wilderness.

A charlatan…and a fool.

All you need is brunch. There. I said it. I await your hostility.

Nuance? Subtlety? What that?
The Voice, anyone?

So fucking what? I mean really. No shit Sherlock.
These are fabulous and expose many to the wonders of nature they may never even think about…since they aren't on their phone.
Nothing better to do with your time than to "expose" these trifles?
Go take a walk…roundabout…in the Outback. Fight some 'roos.

Swallow? Really?

Wha -Wha-Wha……t an asshole.

Aye Caramba!


You forgot The Nuge on guard!

Why won't it?:
Too much money to be made keeping people in fear?
Too much money to be made off of RX meds?
Too much money to be made?

"Last dance with Mary Jane…"

Upvoted for "nation of oafs". Indeed.