Cognitive Decline

Now that they have the infusion thing down…anything is possible.
I work part time at a place in Randallstown and what comes through is unbelievable. They have a tobacco flavored whiskey. Tobacco!
Grapefruit jalapeno. Hideous.

Broke a CD?!

I know, right! Irresistible force meets immovable object. BOOM!

Gad…who needed this? He doesn't have enough money?
Bossypants has been on "to read" list for years now…I should read it.
I'm reading Phil Hartman's bio now "You Might Remember Me".

The breakdown in Give it To Me. That is all.

I thought for a minute they might be talking about Def Leppard.
But, no.

Yep. And all the talk about prayer and God, etc. From a guy who's never cracked a bible in his life. I know faith is not popular here, I don't foist mine on anyone, but, CHRIST…can people not see through all this? He can't even express himself with language. Can't one of his handlers at least write a coherent

Totally agree. Can you imagine…in the eighties? Even with Reagan in, they would still be beating him about the head and neck area.

Well, kinda.
This explains Whovian's answer though. First time.

I was going to ask another question and realized how stupid I must sound, so let me ask you, who obviously has a much better handle on the whole thing: Is there a site that has the timeline with some explanation?
Thank you.

So I watched the trailer:
After all this time how can we still be falling for the old "the egg is opening up so I should stoop down to get a closer look so the alien can strap itself to my head" thing? These people know nothing or is this a prequel to the prequel? Isn't that the android from Prometheus?
I'm so

I don't think this guy can be overestimated. According to much of what I have heard and read he may just well be responsible for much of the comedic sensibility of the last 40 years.
Did I say that right? You get it though.

I've said from the beginning that he shouldn't be allowed to drive a car. I stand by that statement.

I thought that was very good. Off-beat, kind of Kingish, but then I've read so much of his stuff anything like this brings that up. I thought the mood came off very well: claustrophobic and sepia-toned (at least in my mind). The nephew came across very well.
Well done Mr. Van Les…um…Pen….well, er. Tom, nice job Tom.

I pushed myself through a doggy door once. But it wasn't for art.

AND…NPR said this morning that the death rate of white middle-agers was rising!?
(it's being called "despair deaths")

See below: this guy sounds a lot like our current POTUS.

Just say it: Can we really believe anything this guy says…about anyone or anything? He's clearly nuts.

Yes, for me, weed has a tendency to make any and every note, and every note in-between, and every possible tonal structure, wonderful and sympathetic. And would sometimes render my ear useless as I could see a relationship between everything I was playing and everything everyone else was playing…so why wouldn't it

I don't know how anyone can play a trumpet! It seems impossible to me.
My Dad played sax and I play guitar but…trumpet? Yikes.
Although I think I heard/read that bassoon was the most difficult.