Cognitive Decline

The goggles…they do nothing!

How is this not fatal?

Is it my imagination or is Seagal morphing into Ming the Merciless?

Beercase in the…SUPERMARKET! wha……

Wow…what's with all the hate? Yeesh!
Are we that infected with this miserable political race that it's vitriol has entered into the inner sanctum of our AV comment boards about music?
They're excellent musicians with a long history and a great catalog of work. You don't have to LOVE something to respect it. I'm not a

Yes - 70s.
Yes - needs to go to "that place that's the best."

I hear you. I actually edited out allusions to race from my comment before I posted. My post was something I heard on NPR from a confidante of both Obamas, and an African American woman (I don't recall her name) and I thought it odd she pretty much dismissed the race issue entirely. Alas, not so easy, eh?
I remember

The GOP made a strategic decision in 2008 NOT to work with ANY Democrat…period. They purposely decided to be the party of NO; regardless of what it does to the country or those that inhabit it.

Double-stop Chuck. Hard to believe. I wonder if he still duck walks?

Diegetically crepuscular.
Thank you , I will watch this now for Halloween.


That's what I was thinking: it was the progenitor of many of those tropes. I actually got tired of it for a long time and would skip on the Saturday afternoon but I saw it again recently and really like it again. And Paxton…chews the scenery like nobody's business, man.

"used future"….Yes.

The mind boggles. I used to play a lot of his music back in the day, in various bands; he made an entire career out of hammering on the A chord.
Usually I can divorce artists and their political beliefs - but not him. He's a nightmare. And, in general, his music sucks. I'll never forget the look on my bass player's

Nugent wrote a BOOK?!

Hey, that is a great piece.
Compliments well deserved.

Love Elvira.
First Apartment - had a roommate and we worked in a record store right across the mall from a liquor store. Liquor store had a cardboard, stand-up, life-size Elvira display of her holding a platter with some sort of beer on it. Roommate had Marilyn Monroe poster.
YEP - cut off Marilyn's head and put it on

Stop and frisk version.

Yes, you do get what you pay for. I used to think policeman was a calling - like fire fighting. Maybe that's changed?

With you there.
I wasn't always so clean looking though. I played in bands for a long time and had long hair. I took a rough ride once - no fun.