Cognitive Decline

Considering Tamir was shot even before the car door was fully open.


I have the corner house that I try to keep nice but are area is in decline (relative, I guess). The area is just outside the city on the West side - of Baltimore.

I forgot to add that the guy screaming and pounding had a rifle. Bad detail to leave out. A flippin' rifle, you'd think some quicker action would have been taken (my point).

My latest story;
Bad neighbors with history of issues. Guy shows up drunk and screaming, pounding on front door next to mine (row home). People screaming, my kids freaking, I called the cops, described the issue and it took them almost 10 minutes to show up. Station is less than a mile as the crow flies. One cop, looks

Maybe this highlights the 11 people sacrificed at the altar of corporate greed. They always seem to be forgotten in the horrific aftermath. I remember watching the underwater cam of the oil spewing into the Gulf. It's hard to imagine this as a movie.

Yes - he said that to excuse all the sniffing and snorting that was going on. That was really strange. I don't think he has the imagination to use Cocaine and I've heard he's not a drinker. But that was some weird junky-sniffing going on there.

How about that sound track, too. Bass and phase shifter.

Gibbering Punks!….The Giggler.

Frank Zappa once said that America was obsessed and would become so nostalgic for the recent past that it would be unable to take a step forward.

Upvoted for varnished.

Yes - The Drew Carey Show was pretty good.
Joe Walsh?……Awesome

Wow. Rah-Rah AHS.
(my school, not so much)

Last Man Standing is genuinely funny. Nothing at all like…um…oh right, Home Improvement. I didn't care much for that even back in the day.

Sean - I haven't even read the rest of the piece yet but I gotta know:
Where is Misty Mullins now?! Mistyyyyyyy!!!




I know, my God. Can you imagine? It's horrific.

I don't get to see much late night but I find Fallon funny enough - BUT this is disturbing. I've lost all objectivity when it comes to Trump - he's a horrible creature that should go back down into his hole.