Cognitive Decline

I still have a 45 pic disk of Christmas with the Devil. Hilarious.
I was in hard rock/metal banks when I was younger - the movie fits like a glove.

Yes! Fucking Lincoln!…unbelievable then, unbelievable now.

Children of the Sun…Children of the Sun…
……Children of the Sun……Children of the Sun

Yes, and Lewis just seemed so obnoxious to me. I couldn't understand how anyone could find him tolerable. Now, I give him his props as a groundbreaking, etc., etc., but still, I can't stand his movies. Give me Deano anytime - Some Came Running, anyone?

Internet, Schminternet…a passing fad. Like Rock and/or Roll.

What held my interest was the halter top one of the leads was wearing. That and the paper ripping. But more halter.

True - see Uncle's reply. But you should read it. 'specially if you're a fan.

OH MAN…gotta get IT!
get it? Get IT?

A very nice piece Mr Constant Reader, Zack. Thank you.
King is my Jimi Hendrix of writing. He has taken a lot of heat over the years but I, as you did, grew up with him. I got Bazaar of Bad Dreams a while back and have been savoring it slowly - kind of like an expensive bottle of good hooch.
My parents used to give me

Yep…buddy o mine went there. Complete waste of money and time. He was part of a class-action and got something (as I recall).
Trump University.

Yes…Matt Tiabbi made a great point about how the journalistic part of the media/news outlets has disappeared. They're all leaning in one direction or the other. And they lap his shit up for ratings sake.

Zuni Fetish Doll!!!!! Oh, Karen, how we miss yee.

I'm sorry - but he looks like Elvis Costello with one of those dread hats on.

You have a point there. I will keep my witticisms to myself…

Steely Dan…not cool?
The idea behind cool is to not be acting like you are cool. Coolness comes from within.
Therefore, to be cool means you are not conscious of the cool, you just are…cool.
Steely Dan is cool…forever cool,man.
Are we cool on this now?

Of course I am stuck on the 50's version. I grew up with it and look forward to it whatever the holiday it gets broadcast on.
BUT…it also has what I think may be the best dying/deathbed scene ever: Messala (Stephen Boyd) is at this scene-chewing best and it still gets me every time.
Just awesome…"the race goes on

And Ted Nugent. He needs to have a cabinet position.

Nothin' a little Knob Creek won't fix.

I wanna delivery GIRL who understands about extra pepperoni.
OH YEEEAAAAH (… Randy Savage …)
*sorry*…this story & comments are too hard to resist, like pizza.
