Cognitive Decline

Aye Carrumba - I feel "smashed down" just seeing a few fleeting seconds of this. How does this get made? I mean money has to be spent. Does no one stop and say…"We can probably do better than this."

Putin knew exactly what to do: feed him a morsel of a compliment. Trump's been slavering for more ever since. Nightmarish.

Taunt Haunches: band or record name? You be the judge.

…"grotesque mojo"…

The constant drumbeat of politics is killing me. We used to only have to put up with this crap every four years.

True - I haven't heard anyone called that in 40 years or so.

There is something fascinating about Kate McKinnon.

What…no sassafras here?
It's not a song title but still the #1 over-used Aerosmithian word.

Yes - I remember that, vaguely. He was in some fantastic Manhattanish apartment?

Sorry, maybe not a sir. BUT CORRECT NONETHELESS.
Did you read his book? How about Lita Ford's book? Not much nice to say about him I'm afraid.


Ummmmm…OK. Needs more cowbell.
That's not even real. You can't play power chords with four (or less) fingers.

Silent Running and….Magnum Force?
Silent Running is all-time fave (for some reason I always think of Logan's Run and these two together) and Magnum Force is great, but they seem diametrically opposed somehow.

The Goonies? Sorry - never saw the appeal really.

That's bad.

Yes, the giggling. I don't remember a great deal of that in this movie but I do recall the Death Wish one where they actually had a character called The Giggler. Yeesh.
I guess it stems from Kiss of Death where Richard Widmark is the psycho guy who pushes someone in a wheelchair down the stairs.

Needs zombies.

Yes, the Charles. I mentioned seeing Fantastic Planet there…many years ago. Did you live in the Village? It was pretty cool back in the day (might still be but I haven't been down that way in a long time).

If you can find "Does Humor Belong in Music" - see it! An awesome performance by a crack band.
I think musical genius fits. And his guitar style is one-of-a-kind - sloppy tight is the only way I can describe it. He eschewed (and made fun of) the usual shredding and concentrated on phrasing.
This is a complex person,

This is a very strange and haunting movie. My Dad took me to see it at the "art" filmhouse her in Baltimore on Charles street. It has stayed with me ever since. I don't really recall my child reaction to it at the time, probably "wha…?"
But it is one-of-a-kind.