Cognitive Decline

That past few years I've seen some fairly good bios of these guys and it makes me thing they were really underrated. Just reducing them to SNL Fever doesn't do them any justice at all. I was a hard rock snob for a long time so the Bee Gees to me were easily dismissed. They were right up there with the best of them

12 notes, four chords (yes, I know but it's rock), 12 bars, etc.
Page may have been inspired, either outright or subconsciously but a rip? No.
Dolly, on the other hand - blatant.

How is Miley Cyrus not involved with this?

AWESOME book. I've read it at least twice. It was on my parents' shelf and I kept it.

I recently saw Spinal Tap on TCM(!) - I'm pretty sure it was - and it was great as I remembered it. I still have a 45 of Christmas with the Devil somewhere in my basement. Picture disk. Awesome.

Yes, yes - all the wampeers, and wolfpeople the screen can bear! Huzzah!

I think some zombies might spice this up a bit, Eh?

Nice piece.
We played a journey tune or two in our sets back in the day - it was OK, real crowd pleasers (especially after a few kamikazes). But I was generally dismissive and a bit of a snob about i,t what with my Yingwe Malmsteen, Steve Morse and Angus Young. But as I have oldened I come to respect Neil Schon much

Everybody smokes a lot in these books. Leaf obsession. Interesting.

The trailers instantly reminded me of Network.

I still enjoy the "riding over the watch" scene at the beginning. If only.

P3 - Tygers of Pan Tang -just sayin'.
Nice article though.

Sorry, too many "Mans". Between Robert and Scott Weiland…bad news

Man, talk about workin' it. I didn't look at the IMDB but then, I didn't need to, this guy was awesome (overused word, but not in this case). He was a Heavy, but could also be a Goodie. Man, life is too short.

As big a Dylan fan as I am I just can't stand this commercial. It's so weird and stilted. It looks like they couldn't get a good take and just "ENOUGH! We'll use this. Thank you Mr. Dylan".
Maybe he's trying to make a point like he's 'pretending to be human' talking to this thing. I don't know, I don't get it.

How about Ghost Host…Baltimore, circa 70's? Anyone? Always the same clips of him hovering around in his lab-ora-tory pouring gurgling potions from one flask to another. You could kinda see him talking but of course the lip movements never matched the narration. He may have even been a puppet.

Yes, it looked like a made-for-TV movie. Like maybe the film stock was different. This is one of those things that I find morbidly saccharine…but I can't turn away. It's corn masquerading as hip.

Trout…yeah. Like The Car.
And Capricorn One - I saw that in the theater. Still watch it whenever it's on.

Yikes! As a father of two girls I spent a lot of time in front of the Disney Channel - I recognized her name but had to google for images before I remembered the face. It's amazing how many of these really talented kids go through horrific transitions to adults. It's like a Disney curse or something.

Upvoted for hilarity.