Cognitive Decline

I didn't watch much but these two look pretty posh for strolling around in the desert heat. As opposed to the puddle of goo you would surely become.
October Country indeed.
(get offa my desert lawn!)

Yes. Why not make a movie about The Woz? Jobs was a Capitalist pig with all his proprietary bullshit and foreign labor issues. He doesn't sound like he was a decent person at all.


I think that's an astute diagnosis.
I'll check out Just Kids. Smith occupies a weird space for me: the like/not like quotient is definitely skewed towards the latter, but I think that's probably just because I don't "get it". But I like artists and what propels them so I keep trying.

Yes, I agree but…yeah. And the three full names?

In the name of user name/comment synergy, I must weigh in here:
*becomes distracted by fleeting thought*
that is all.

You know at this point, after my third layoff, from a place that I busted my ass for, a stint on Mars don't look so bad.
If he could grow potatoes perhaps I could grow my own "strain". Ship it back in cargo ships and become known as the "The Green Thumb" of Mars.
Wish me luck…WOOT!

Oh come now Aspect - you disagree?

Hash oil I believe. Yeah.

The sound effects are hilarious.
But if I were vaping, it wouldn't be cigarettes. And I never noticed before but the people look ridiculous. The ones that kind of look like cigarettes are OK I guess but the other contraptions - sheesh. Can you imagine Keith Richards tucking one of those into the head stock?
I smoked for

And a nice pipe full.

GAAAA - autoplay is on. They all start talking at once. It's very disconcerting, much like the Phil Collins song.

I agree - as a matter of fact I see nothing MOTIVATING at all in this song. It does build to a crescendo of sorts, but I don't know if that's motivating. Especially for sports of any kind(?).


OK - I seem to recall some bickering about Quantrill's Raiders. It just didn't seem germane to the plot. TX.

Let's go back in time:
I thought I heard/read that snipes was actually TOO FAST in Demolition Man. The director had to tell him to tone it down a bit for the camera and crew. Sounds a little suspicious.
But at any rate, that's what I want. Why can't they just give him a show where he kicks the crap out of everybody, all

True Grit? North vs South?
I didn't really get that from either of the versions. Did I miss it?

You're not the only one it fails to amaze.

Maybe this has all been staged from the git - and they will suddenly turn - and form some gigantic unholy colossus.
TrumpFox - "hang them from the wall until they are dead."
The Scorch indeed. Our dystopia is almost here. Hang on everybody!