Cognitive Decline

He chews the scenery big time.

I know - hello Power Point.

While I like the sentiment, I think that's giving a lot of credit to the harmonica.
TUIB is like the second movement of Like a Rolling Stone.

No,that can't be true. Are you fucking serious?

My best buddy in grade school loved that show (and the untouchables). I was like - Huh? Didn't get it - still don't.

Yes - and the way the guy hisses the opening dialog is really strange and off-putting.

Yeah - I don't know that I buy him as Bulger. Maybe it's the makeup.
In the frame at the top he looks like he's thinking "you fuckin' believe this?!"

The Pesci "you think I'm funny" scene and the card table scene from Training Day where Ethan is stranded by Denzel chill my blood every time. True psychopaths - I've seen that look before and when they turn, man you better be gone.

I am a big fan of psychedelia but this makes me hurt a little.
Tork is really going off in the background.

The Dukes of Stratosphere!

The Monkees again!
A thousand monkees at a thousand moogs and you get…

Not bad but what would the repercussions be. They would have to be interesting or exciting somehow. Like he was planning to get married to woman who was an anglo-whatever that type of person who digs all things UK and what not, and now what can they do? WAIT: SHE is British pretending to be American.
Now we're cookin'!

I think you're missing the whole "master plan" idea and that everyone should get a shot. In other words: you're here because God put you here and you have a role to play in the plan. If you're murdered then that is cut short.
Also, being a flesh and blood person is important to your learning curve and should not be

You should read Proof of Heaven. It appears much more interesting and "real" to me then puffy clouds, etc. Although there is something like that in there as I recall.

I guess I should see this - I was, after all, a member of the United States Chess Federation (USCF). Had a laminated card and all.
Think I'll try Searching for Bobby Fischer first (thanks Smirking Revenge).
I've been on real nostalgia kick lately - gotta stop.

No particular meaning - just that they are often written off as cheese but there was more to them.

Be Still My Aching Heart.
A great memory - sitting around with her and laughing about it. It was our in-joke for years as well.


For years my mother thought Sting was singing "stole my Visa card".
I really miss her.

Yes - weren't they even considered quite "with it" as well? I've read biographies and Nesmith, Dolenz and Tork pop up at parties and the like. And they were involved in the movie Head with Nicholson(?).