Cognitive Decline

Makes you think that maybe he JUST COULD HAVE pulled off the whole "landing on the moon" thing.

But still…a career on Broadway. I'd kill for it.

Why don't all these guys (and girls) just go on to Broadway? Having watched Disney for many years with my children I see they all seem to be hugely talented singers and dancers. I would think Broadway would be a great way to go.

Yes - all the pumpkin beer has been coming into the store.
Cases and cases of it. From everyone.
Everyone has a pumpkin beer now.
Madness…pumpkin style.

That frame of the trailer at the top looks like pretty much everybody where I work.
Wait - the people in that frame of the trailer at the top, they look like pretty much everybody, where I work.
Umm - The looks on the faces of the people in the picture at the top , they look like they work here, with me, at this place.

When it's time to go to work!
(sorry, couldn't resist)

Looking at some of these comments and how things still resonate and some things regarding Boomers vs Xers. I think that comes around to the thing where the stuff you come of age with (roughly 13-27): music, movies, books, etc are "the best" and "they don't make em like that anymore" is simply because you were that age

Oh God, between this and watching Sinatra sing "A Very Good Year" over at the other article I don't know if I can go on.
Have I really wasted my ENTIRE life?

Yes, I saw it too as part of an HBO freeview. Awesome doc. He had some tough early years and then some middle ones too as I recall. Not an all-success, all the time career.

Boffo, Doctor. Boffo.

Don't forget The French Connection! Oh God, the seventies of it…can't go on…*cough*…mired in nostalgia.
Frank Zappa said we would all die of nostalgia…the human race would become so nostalgic for the last step it took, it would just stop.
That being said I would certainly sit with giant bottles of vodka and beer and

I immediately thought of the Panthers when the Oath Keepers showed up in Ferguson. I thought "Where are the Black Panthers?" If everyone can carry semi-automatic firearms for whatever reason, why not them.
In retrospect probably a good thing as I'm sure some horrible shit would have happened, but still. Those Oath

It's ideology. They side with the party line ideology regardless of fact or logic. Also responsible for the knee-jerk responses to anything other than the party-endorsed rhetoric.

Uh-oh, I'm reading this book now and thought, "hey nice coincidence". The trailer doesn't look promising: a good idea not done particularly well.
The misogyny doesn't come through in the book, only a spot about the female hiker WHO IS insufferable (the piece about the townie is a little uncomfortable but does

Yes - I commented on the restaurant scene. As an only child and pretty much a loner it hit me like a ton of bricks. I still remember it.

Unbeatable book. I'm going to read it again.

OH, also there's the scene in The Lonely Guy where he's shown a table and suddenly a spotlight highlights him!
If that isn't real I don't what is.

I've never been a big fan of the "Gee if I could be someone else…" thing but if I was and could be… it would be Steve Martin.
A true renaissance man and awesome talent across the board.
(also there's Bernadette Peters)

And who could forget that slo-mo of him crashing (at the palace I believe). Over and over again - flailing (or being flailed) like a rag doll. They show it anytime he is referenced.