Cognitive Decline

God…what I remember most about this song: riding with my Grandmother over the back roads of Greencastle, PA in their plymouth and hearing this come out of the radio all summer long. I can still feel the heat of that summer.
That, and the…. Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes - RCM&D…jingle.

Yow…flights of stairs, stomping fingers…holy shit. To women no less. Of course you shouldn't do that to anybody but….I don't think I've ever struck a woman no matter how bad things got.
I always thought in my mind that rap was comparable to folk in the sixties - message music. Describing how "the system" needed to be

Not that it's salient here but, as a Hendrix fiend all my youth, I was just thinking the other day about Electric Ladyland and how that's such a recording milepost - it still stands up nearly 50 years after its production. FIFTY YEARS! Considering technology, that's just incredible.
Also - BOG is good. I didn't like

Upvoted for Screen Gems!

Yeah - it's a weird question. I guess it's more like "I don't understand why I like this but not the rest" type of thing. I remember seeing the video years ago, I think they were driving across the desert maybe a Mad Max type of thing and it just really hit hard - the song has stuck with me ever since.
A few have

Aren't we all descended from Groin?

Really! That's interesting - just goes to show how subjective the listening experience can be.
So I guess Dre is responsible for the production. I was just thinking there seem to be so many people on a rap track or album. I kind of think of it as: band/artist and producer. For rap there's like a hundred guys - you

Yes - he does that and Broadway, etc. I was really surprised he did this.

Let me ask a question: I've never been a huge rap fan but I think California Love is awesome. What do I like it so much: Tupac, Dre, I don't know?
I was a musician (don't play much anymore) so I find something I like in just about everything I listen to. Liked the Beasties but that's about it as far as rap goes.

That's what all the comments seem to say about Tolkien over the years - the detailed, immersive world and how well it follows its rules. He was a philoligist - I enjoy his writing style.

Well written with an interesting premise.
But isn't this still the nadir of American culture?

Don't forget the sex tape! It's a hardscrabble world for the rich folk.
She got what the working class gets every day.
"And…loving it."

With all due respect to your friend and your loss, but,
anal sex and Celine Dion in the same sentence made my dick fall off.
I'm pretty sure You're So Vain is about Warren Beatty…
his dick probably should have fallen off (I believe delamination is the term).
That is all.

Yep, Warren.

YES! Was going to post as well, glad I read down a few.
"Cats always look like they're testing a new set of eyes."

Really! I searched the site before my comment but didn't see the review. While I defer to your undoubtedly greater knowledge and expertise (I'm sure Shaun is good) and writer/reviewer chops -
I must stand by my conviction on this one: Urk :-)

Speaking of animation: I was just subjected to the abject horror that is Home. Animated with Jim Parsons as the "cute" alien character. I didn't see a review here but I thought I would say that this is perhaps one of the worst things I have ever seen committed to any medium. I can't believe Parsons did it and I hope

Muggs’ trainer later claimed that a jealous Garroway occasionally sabotaged his simian costar by slamming Muggs’ hands in a drawer or spiking his juice with drugs.

HEARTBREAKER!…NO, never again. Too many times to count. This should be added to the "No Stairway to Heaven" sign in every Guitar Center.

Upvoted for avatar. Them…right?
On the other hand I WAS looking forward to JG's take on it but it sounds like he was ruined by the script.