
Biden’s strategy for winning the election:

Even in that article, there was no mention of the specific reason the GOP was pushing so hard, and why it was still a big deal for Democrats to turn out to vote. Aslan was the one to point it out in the comments that time.

OK, can we stop with the line that it’s a Dem’s fault (either Biden for encouraging participating, or Bernie for not dropping out sooner) that Wisconsinites had to go out on Tuesday and vote in the Primary? It’s been ALL OVER these sites for the last few days, and it sucks.

I burst into tears after a Trump supporter told CSPAN “He couldn’t imagine the shape this country would be in if Clinton was President”. Hillary definitely would have been better in this crisis, starting with the fact that She wouldn't have dismantling the protections installed by Obama. 

Love that political party that makes a huge show of being “pro life” while encouraging the undesirables to die.

She needed to appear less bird-like.

I mean, am I wrong though?

Won’t somebody think of the plumbers?!

So the next few months are gonna be all about the giant conspiracy against Bernie? I’m bored in advance.

Noir Black?

I started that video but couldn’t get more than a few minutes in.

I have one in my bathroom. It hasn’t helped me lose weight.

She arrived at the club at 4:00 am? Man I am so old. Go to bed, Halsey! 

What a fucking moron.

Bringing your own cooler of Bud Light seems like a very valid reason to be barred from ANY club.

If I fly all the way to Japan I’m sure as shit not eating at a McDonalds while I’m there

Can you imagine a Trump Library? That would be the greatest joke of all time.

Yeah, I was much more conservative as a high school/college student than now. I think it was around Sarah Palin when I realized how....dumb everything was in that circle. Now the older I get the further left I’ve gone