I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.
I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.
It’s either this, or a scale model power plant with racing car stripes.
He knows whole binders full of women.
Or Jessica Day on New Girl: “I’d like the strongest drink you have and a wine spritzer on the side in case I don’t like it.”
Um, what?
If men are supposed to be the calm, logical, and rational gender, then why are they losing their minds over fictional characters in movie franchises? Did they get their periods or something?
If it wasn’t for the Obama glow, he would be just another also ran. The collective votes on name recognition, and little else.
What are the odds that these women have never spent a significant amount of time outside of The United States, or talking with people outside The United States, observing/discussing these things that scare them so much?
Oh please oh pleases oh please oh please....and Rudy, too!
There are only three reasons why anyone would “support” Trump. One, they’re a gullible mark. Two, there’s a buck to be made by playing along or three, they’re insane. That’s it. No sane rational person could look at that guy and think “what a great leader” and not see a moronic fraudulent con artist, it’s simply not…
Has anyone checked his office for $47,000 worth of jewelry and skin care products?
The only saving grace of this administration is that they are too stupid and too petty to get anything done. Can you imagine the horrors they would unleash had they been competent!?
I can vouch for Cathay Pacific’s meals too, particularly their breakfast.
It REALLY depends on the carrier. (and I’m skipping First Class here, but this is my personal experience)
Just don’t get the fish.