And in ten years, Arsenal will still be floating between 4-6 guaranteed.
And in ten years, Arsenal will still be floating between 4-6 guaranteed.
Megan is at Wired now. Don’t @ her.
Classic Billy.
How much did that cause pine nut prices to go up?
Adam Vinatieri, Eli Manning, my hairline. Ages catches up with everyone not named Tom Brady I guess.
There’s something else that makes Warren unacceptable to the Bernie crowd as well.
But he has been a friend to rich people, of which Rivera is one.
I swear to god I’m gonna pistol whip the next guy that says ‘shenenigans.’
It’s not. My post was less about the show and more about the overall tone of this vertical within G/O. There isn’t a single thing that passes muster for these cynical kids.
The Wire was great.
No Trump Question of the Week this week? What gives?
I don’t think Ballers- which, mind you is brought to you by the creative team behind Entourage- is aware of how much it sucks.
This is the Jetsiest Jets thing since the Buttfumble.
Do you also read US Weekly?
I mean, why are we even having this discussion at all right? It’s 2019, this show was from 2012. What’s next? A take about how Seinfeld didn’t have enough minorities?
I swear to god these kids come into work every day full of piss and vinegar for no apparent reason.
Going out of your way to your way to do a blog in 2019 about how a show from 2012 sucked is just as self aggrandizing and fart-sniffy as The Newsroom was.
Yeah it was up its own ass for sure, but do we need a blog post in 2019 about how a show from 2012 sucks? It’s just snark for the sake of itself, and it’s stupid.