
I’m not defending Aaron Sorkin, who is more up his own ass than almost anyone.  But the snark level on doing a blog post in 2019 about a show from 2012 sucks is just absurd.  Find some real shit to complain about.

Jesus Christ is there anything that the dipshit writers on this site actually approve of?  The Newsroom was....fine.  It wasn’t fantastic by any stretch but it wasn’t the Real Housewives either.  It was a serious show about serious adult stuff, which is better than 90% of television out there.  

Uh, more than half of everything was in Cantonese.  


Hong Kong permanent resident here temporarily living in the US. I am also in awe of what’s going on with the protest movement, but I too, am fearful of what Beijing will eventually do if this keeps up.

The way the far right lunatics in Israel have been emboldened by this administration is really something else.  Bibi and his ilk would have never dared even dream about this annexation under Obama or even Bush.

This. I worked for several years at a non-profit HMO in MA and it was amazing how well they took care of their members. At company meetings, the core question that was always being asked was “is this good for our members?” not “what is good for the bottom line?”

And his wife can eat shit too.

Related to your comment, a life hack: stick a lime in a High Life and it tastes the same as a Corona.

Dude, what?

This.  A hard brexit gums up the gears of commerce, no one wins economically in that scenario.  

It says a lot about the UK that I can’t tell if you’re making this up or not.   

They need a second referendum with specific choices. A second overly simplistic Leave/Remain choice does no one any good.

Yeah, the EU’s power players, France & Germany, have industries whose supply chains are intertwined with Britain’s.  They have as much to lose from a no-deal exit as Britain does.  

The EU has just as much interest in avoiding a no-deal Brexit as Britain does.  The supply chains work both ways.

Bill O’Brien is a moron.

And yes, it should be outside in a parking lot.  

Deadspin is welcoming of all people, sports fans and non-sports fans alike!  Stop by sometime!

Same company that designed the new Jets jerseys I bet.  God, they’re just awful.  As a Jets fan I’ve put up with a lot over the years but those jerseys are the last straw for me I think.