Cognac McCarthy

Texas HS football players have enlisted special teams in their war against the refs.

Citations please because I think you are otherwise full of it.

Being upset about “white” being noted is tedious and, frankly, late. Reporters have taken great pains to note who is black, Asian or whatever else for decades. White was always the assumed default. If we’re going to call out race, for whatever reason, whiteness needs to noted too.

The actual riots were largely initiated by people of color and transgenders, not a straight acting blond white dude. White-washing an actual historical event means race is certainly an issue.

If you were accused of rape at your job, do you HONESTLY think you’d be going to work? No. Chances are, you’d be suspended with/without pay until the investigation is completed. I didn’t say crucify the guy. I didn’t say fire him. I didn’t say he was guilty or innocent. What I’m saying is that the NHL and the

Thats only applicable in a court of law, dude. Even if he’s 100 percent innocent here, he is a distraction.

They aren’t delivered to the victim. That’s the point of the story.

There’s two things at play here, I think: That someone tampered with the bag, and that someone else decided he wasn’t going to go to hell with the first asshole and delivered the bag to the mother in a whistleblower capacity.

As a Chicago Blackhawks fan, I will completely renounce this franchise if they let this dude play. He shouldn’t even be sniffing the ice until this investigation is completed. This is absolutely disgusting.

That depends on their skin pigmentation.

If the referee had been armed this never would’ve happened.

Psst! The point is not to pick a different graphic design from the same war! That would be as offensive, er, “contentious,” for the same reasons, as the current Confederate Flag. If the urge to fly a Confederate Flag of any design truly comes from a “pride in the South,” the idea, as presented above, is to pick a

Dear Southerners who still believe in that stupid flag,

typo up there. Should read “Fight FROM liberty.”

You forgot one:

This doesn’t help. It’s not the flag specifically, its the ideas and circumstances in which the flag came into existence. I dont think any state should be flying a flag that commemorates when they openly rebelled against the country they are currently in for the right to own slaves.

Curt Shilling is a stupid, fat, racist throw pillow who LOVES government money.

He hasn’t criticized the NFL yet.

Why hasn’t ESPN suspended this guy?

Curt Schilling thinks it’s perfect as is.