Cognac McCarthy

The point of the meme he shared is that we must be suspicious of all Muslims because of the small minority who are extremists, so he has to be lumping all Germans in with the Nazis or the comparison doesn’t work.

It’s a fairly meaningless question since it would depend on your definition of “extremist” or “hate group”.

Careful. Don’t cut yourself on all your edginess.

I think religion is idiotic, but not all religious people are extremists. This is a dumb statement.

I realize there are so many problems with this: i.e., false equivalence, fear-mongering, religious discrimination, etc, but I can’t contain my disbelief about the 5-10% “true number”. Where did that come from? I think we need Peter King to pensively conjure how quasi-legitish that figure really is.

It’s a pretty simple game to play. You put out an appropriately worded survey and I can get you a figure anywhere from sub-one percent to more than fifty.

This guy seems cool.

His 1940 claim is basically meaningless. I very strongly doubt that was the actual party membership, and regardless, seven years earlier, the guy won several elections with many times that percentage of the vote. By 1940 the country was a one-party state with strong majority support.

And what circles do you travel in

Well those numbers are a bit skewed and don’t tell the whole story! There was never an increase in the actual number of Nazis in the general population, but they found a great way to increase their percentage.

I have no idea, but 10% would imply roughly 160M extremists. That’s 2% of the worlds population or roughly equal to the population of Bangladesh, the 8th largest country. I believe the entire population of the Middle East (including non-Islamic states) is just north of 200M. I realize there are extremists living

Well, of course only 7% of the population was Nazi. The historical document above clearly shows that the rest of the population was pretty Red.

He was on the radio in Philadelphia last week complaining about participation trophies for kids.

It’s said ONLY 4% of MLB rosters are designated hitters.

1) “It’s said...” doesn’t really qualify as a “true #”, Curt. But I guess scientific accuracy was never really your strong suit.

Keith Law just got suspended for pointing out that Schilling used the passive voice.

Don’t even know where to start. The logic is fucking stupid. It isn’t even a valid comparison when considering Muslim’s are followers of Islam and Nazis were a political faction.

The math is staggering when you get to true #’s

“Also staggering math numbers? The millions you stole from us, shitbag.”

How’d it go?? It went terrible! They did the Holocaust!!

Not to mention the low round draft picks and undrafted free agents and practice squad players who are trying to make the team. Despite the fact that the Eagles have about a hundred RBs on the roster, one of them (Kenjon Barner) has 2 punt return TDs in 2 preseason games. On the one hand, you can say “So what? It’s a