I once had a girlfriend buy me Bengals gear because she thought they were my favorite team. That was her other boyfriend. And that's how I found out she was cheating. Fuck the Bengals.
I once had a girlfriend buy me Bengals gear because she thought they were my favorite team. That was her other boyfriend. And that's how I found out she was cheating. Fuck the Bengals.
I saw Andy Dalton play the worst game any professional quarterback has ever played last season.
Jenny Johnson sucks.
Seems like Fraternities around the US will not rest until they are all disbanded and no longer allowed to exist. That is perfectly fine with me.
Funny; there’s also a rule about keeping your footballs properly inflated, a rule about not video taping opposing team’s practices...
“Neither can I.”
You seem like a level headed, not at all annoying, dude.
Nelson’s injury was a non-contact injury, and if your suggestion to rethink the current preseason is predicated on player safety, like it suggests, an eighteen game schedule isn’t really in the best interest of keeping everyone safe.
Hi, Roger.
Firstly, is their any part of Sam Bradford’s body that isn’t just about to fall apart? What type of hit would be considerate given his past injuries? Helmet-to-helmet?
OK. What whiny-ass-baby team you root for?
Let’s all remember that the NFL is a billion dollar operation. Their public relations smells something like some toddlers throwing fingerpaint at the wall.
This isn’t even good advice. Aaron Hernandez felled a guy and he got life in prison.
pizza is a food that consists of dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and if you like, tiny little stinky fish.
We all recognize a dog whistle when we hear one. What’s easy to overlook here is that this one can shave and write.
Moore’s next column: Dez, Nuts.
Whoa. Settle down there, Trump.
Listen, if this guy wants to explain how taking a shot in the face inevitably hurts the team, he should start with Jovan Belcher.
Based on everyone’s reactions to Dez, Geno, and Janay, only in the NFL are you responsible when someone else punches you in the face.
“That should bring up some red flags. But nobody’s talking about that.”