Cognac McCarthy

I think this is going to be the last Bond, and you’re going to see more movies like Jack Reacher taking his place. Audiences and Oscar are sick of Bond and their confusing plots

According to this article, The Affair does have an intimacy coordinator on set:

You can tell 90% of Deadspin commenters are lawyers because the comments skirt so artfully around libel laws

Oh nice! Without naming anything specific and de-anonymizing myself, we’re getting married at a well known nature-based public institution with lots of flowers and an old courtyard. You can probably make a good guess. Easy Tiger is lovely - they opened a new location near our house that’s sadly way less pretty than

This article is very good. If your bosses ever shut you down I do hope you and some departed Deadspin and Gawker writers will set up some sort of worker-led site funded through subscriptions or Patreon or something. I would pay $15 a month or so to read your columns, which I have to imagine is more than my page views

As someone who is about to get married in a garden space in Austin next week I uh sorta wish you had just sent me an email

Has no one heard of "Rubbin's racin'"?

But the point was that the incident in Sofia was a case of racism in Bulgarian soccer, no?

There are definite echoes of Tebow in his unwavering belief that he was meant to play the most important position at the highest level, and not considering other, also good paths when those doors close.

This sorta happened to me when my first serious relationship fell apart when I was about 20. I was a smart, reasonably popular kid from a middle class family in a good area and all through middle school and high school, I had never felt anything close to the loss I felt when I got dumped. The next time I went through

I think he means if they’re going to force him to play, which they're certainly attempting to do. 

MNF used to be on broadcast TV, SNF was on ESPN. When they moved SNF to NBC, Michaels and Collinsworth and the prestige that comes with having flex scheduling rights all moved with it.

I honestly loved the Boogermobile. It was really fun to imagine they had grafted his flesh onto the machine in some unnatural pursuit of ratings, that every waking moment was pure, excruciating pain for Booger, and that he smiled through it while he wheeled back and forth along the sideline searching what remained of

You are very dumb and have no idea what "off the record" means.

I’m not saying it was the right move, just that the defender screwed him over with his horrendous positioning.

It looked like the attacker would have had a really good shot at that ball if the keeper had waited until it was in the box. Assuming the keeper wasn’t actually trying to get a red card, the last defender left him with no good choice — look how far behind the rest of the line he is when the ball is played.

Any pornography will do

Any pornography will do

Now playing

Also what 17 year old goes by “Bill”? Are we sure this isn’t a Billdozer situation?

Even if a team is allowed to use “Conduct detrimental to the team” to get out of paying a player, they should still have to count that money against the salary cap. Some teams will do whatever they can to save that money, but I bet fewer would do it if they didn't get to turn around and spend it on another player.

This is very helpful, thank you. I had heard that the separatist movement was more centrist than leftist, but I didn’t know much about the politics of the rest of the region, or the fact that Barcelona itself was so outnumbered