Cognac McCarthy

I was solicited (by phone!) for a donation by alma mater, UNC, right in the middle of the football tutor academic scandal breaking. I asked them how much I needed to donate to restore the academic credibility of my degree, the embarrassed kid on the other end of the line was like “uh, okay thanks anyway.” A week or so

Now playing

This sketch does not get nearly enough praise, but I think it might be his best:

The final SNL episode that Hartman and Farley were in as cast mates, had the last shot of them hugging each other and waving goodbye to the camera. Within less than a year of that episode airing, they were both dead. Tragic...

Farley is one of three celebrities whose death really bothers me (Phil Hartman and Dave Brockie being the other two). It’s so sad that he’s no longer with us. A real loss to the entertainment world. It’s gonna be a while before I can watch this.

From one of the articles you linked through... this quote is solid gold:

The Vikings are one of my favorite teams. I tried to come up with a witty fantasy team name to honor them but the best I could come up with was Christian B. Ponderous. Only one person got it and someone else thought I was referring to Tim Tebow.

Yeah, and Bob Dylan’s hometown Hibbing booed him off the stage, so he moved to Minneapolis, which enjoyed so much that he quickly moved to New York.

Vikings Lose To Dolphins On Blocked Punt For Safety

Practice like you’re going to play, by taking a shit on the field.

The Invasion of Norman D

Pictured: people who grew up to vote for one of the nincompoops debating tonight.

Damn, there goes his image!

Now that they are separated, get ready for her to leak some unflattering things about Donald. Even these squeaky clean guys have some unflattering details they don’t want leaked to the public that may hurt their image.

Well, there is no physical evidence against Cosby, and he was not caught red-handed, so if we go by the same standards as Brady’s defenders, he shouldn’t be punished.

That divorce should open up a lot of cap space.

The irony is that one of the companies that issued a report defending the patriots is AEI (American Enterprise Institute) who are shills for the GOP. Just like Goldman Sachs pretty much ran the Bush administration’s Treasury department with a revolving door regularly swapping personnel between Treasury and Goldman,

I hear they're already working on a climate change report for the GOP.

“Our research and experimentation has shown conclusively that those women sexually assaulted themselves.”

Exponent is going to be super popular now that they’ve demonstrated a complete willingness to eschew science and just make shit up. Bill Cosby next client?

For myself, I can face it. Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo. But I’m so sad for her losing him and for him no doubt believing he’d killed them both as he died. Much easier to be at peace with one’s own fate than with the fate of a loved one.