Cognac McCarthy

Al Horford is awesome. My sister went out with Al a few times in high school. The things that could have been... And before the comments come in, yes, I’m implying that if only my sister would have slept with Al a few times, I could be hanging out on his boat in the offseason. Now my sister dates a republican

It's a school night. That always keeps attendance down.

You can’t bend your girlfriend over a mattress on the floor.

Deadspin’s Descriptions of Rob Gronkowski, ranked:

Glad to see he’s okay. The angle where you are looking at him is great. He tries to correct, realizes he’s screwed, and hugs his arms to his chest. Never quite seen it like that before.

Someone has to tranquilize him, and then a crew of four does it in two hours.

i wonder how much time gronk spends shaving his entire body?

If that was a joke, don’t attempt open mic comedy night any time soon.

I’ve seen Jennifer Hudson live (not by choice). She was awful. 70% cover songs, tons of off key yelling and warbling. The place was packed with young people (event) but only a handful really cared.

To address your question, it’s the first one. To address you subsequent concern, W is a stupid letter with a dumb name.

He broke his D because he was trying too hard for the A and missed.

This pleases Slaanesh.

At the peak of its reign, the show was everything to everyone

WIMPY?! Oh, so I suppose pure unbridled emotion broke his D string then?

It’s a miasma of melisma.

Not that I really watched the show all that much, but when you have a show where Harry Connick Jr is giving these kids some very solid, smart advice about presentation and artistic choices and they simply dismiss him out of hand and go right back to their flailing around and miasma...well you know what kids, get off

Maybe the end of the karaoke contest fad will finally force the networks to look at AMC and HBO and start producing programming that's not terrible. Currently there is not a single can't miss show on network television.

having paid not one lick to the expanded universe, I can't say it's an issue for me. IV, V, VI is the universe as far as I'm concerned.