Cognac McCarthy

The Washington Capitals are like a team winning a series 3-2. They have won three games and the Islanders have won two.

It’s hardly in our language <i>only</i>; it’s in our social arrangements, power structures, conventions, etc.

Fine. Here is a peer-reviewed article that is not a “fluff piece with a social agenda.” Just because you don’t like the idea or are not capable of understanding it does not make your disproven idea of the world true. Lots of people clung to the geocentric concept of the universe too.

The concept of binary sexuality and binary gender is one that exists in the restraints of our language only.

Take your kids on a transatlantic flight to watch mediocre football so they don’t hear the swears might be a new extreme on oversensitive parenting.

Lots of hurt MLS feelings in these comments. Although not one of them says anything about what is false or unfair about this article, because, you know, it is pretty much true.

Unless he has a career-altering injury, there’s no way Cristiano is crap enough by 2018 to stoop down to the MLS.

Statcast update: 118.5 MPH exit velocity, out in 3.1 seconds.

There’s definitely something to hate about each team.

Ah yes, the old "it's everyone else's fault" defense. If you think other teams are just sitting around wondering how they can get a reaction from Yordano Ventura then that is truly "pretty fucking naïve".

I think the thing that stands out is that there has been an incident in 3 of his 4 starts this season. And the “everyone else was at fault” argument wears out when something goes down almost every time he takes the mound this year. So people are getting real tired of his shit, so to speak. So sure, I bet Eaton had

Reason #1 why the DH rule is great - pitchers can’t hit for shit and having an automatic out in every lineup is stupid.

I noticed in the World Series when a Giants hitter would hit one up the middle and Ventura would snag it that he would stare or bark something at the batter as he threw him out at first. It was weird. Like he took offense to a hitter going up the middle against him.

If there’s a baseball God, he definitely would reside in St. Louis too

It’s going to be so satisfying to watch when someone eventually beats the shit out of him.

None of these four clubs has the word “Manchester” in their name, so I can already think of a couple of more hateable teams.

I knew Madrid would advance.