General rule, don’t assault pepole over stuff.
General rule, don’t assault pepole over stuff.
Wait, dating violence is a CRIME?
Yeah but his nails are better, hence the lacerations on his ex.
Tots OK to assault your ex over a cell phone. High five bro!
I made a burner just so I could make a stripper-named-violence joke and 3 of you motherfuckers beat me to it.
I had a one-night-stand with Violence once. Only time I ever went home with a stripper.
“Well, her real name is Christine Jingleheimer, but her middle name is Violence, so she goes by Christine Violence. Yeah, it’s a Facebook thing, I don’t know what’s going on.”
“Kneel, my son.”
Sounds like he has a good Head on his Shoulders.
And that the usual anti-government idiots become blindingly pro-government in terms of State-sanctioned violence should tell you something about those idiots.
I think your argument is idiotic and unhelpful. Every time there's a discussion about the problematic relationship between law enforcement and communities of color people like you come out and complain about things being "divisive"
Absolutely. Look up the stats from other countries where they have taken our guns away (I am Australian), and I can tell you that I do not fear our cops. Some of them are real dicks, but I never seriously think one might shoot me - it just doesn't happen.
I totally get the frustration, and no one can tell you how you should or should not feel about those sorts of interactions. I can only offer my own opinion: as a white guy myself, I try to do the right thing. I try to live my life based on principles like justice and empathy. I am acutely aware that those principles…
So I'm black.
I think the audience that doesn't want to see it is probably the best audience to present it to.
I just want to say that, I'm white. The worst 'crime' I have ever been charged with was operating a motor vehicle at 50 mph in a 25 mph zone (a 45 > 25 speed trap). The worst crime I have ever committed and didn't get caught doing was purchasing a quarter ounce of marijuana from a friend who deals for another friend…
Have a few family members who are cops. The discussion we have revolves not around the bad cops, but the cops that turn a blind eye. They can't explain why they should protect a guy like this, but they do. Cops continue to do this because there still is no accountability. How do you reform a behavior without…
Uh oh, someone went to a school in Texas
Actually, both men served in the Coast Guard. Guess how many stories mention that the victim served compared to those mentioning the murderer served?
As a great man once said: america is not for black people