Cognac McCarthy

The trainer grew up in a state without a Major League team, but this is probably not what he had in mind when he decided to move to Missouri to check out a pro state.

If you do not realize the opportunity you has infront of you to play for Coach K

You will not be considered part of the Duke family, in my mind as well as many others. You have by no means proved yourself worthy of that title.

Here’s one more.

Ray Romano?

I’m biased towards Conan little kid me stayed up to watch Late Night with Conan and before Youtube started removing copyright videos I’d love watching Conan clips during lunch in high school and enjoyed his mildly watered down run on The Tonight Show. As a result I’ll always be baffled on why he didn’t make it yet the

He's really sad because Governor Pence had Tinkey Winkey removed before the start of the game.

Most of that is really the American right that has used Europe as this sort of depraved socialist boogeyman for years. in the sense that boobs can be seen on broadcast television and the word "fuck" may be uttered liberally.

They don't become rich, however there are tons of leagues that pay them money. And it's not 95%.

This makes me irate. As a kid I played lacrosse and was called a "nigger" incessantly. It really fucks up a kid when grown adults are hurling slurs around. Not fucking cool.

Kevin - no comment about AC Milan's owner being morally and politically corrupt Silvio Berlusconi?

It's not their entire life. They are provided schooling and take part of in other activities, but they are mainly there to play soccer. Expenses get covered too.

And here, folks, is why soccer in the United States will never hold a candle to soccer in Europe or South America.

I played against many European and South American teams and we were blown away at the racism towards our black players....even in our own backyard. When we traveled to Europe, the racism was insane. But the worst racism I ever experienced was against a team from Memphis. Our black fullback drilled one of them so hard

If I recall, 300 meters = 3 miles, so to complete that in under one minute sounds tough.

The rain delay outside Wrigley’s bathrooms was much worse.

If you're in any semblance of shape, that shouldn't be very hard.

Dying is lame because of ritual. When I die, strip me naked, write "burrito" on my ass, and throw my shitty body in a field idgaf.

Have you ever watched sports?

Most of the people who are playing Minecraft on Youtube are just a weird form of entertainer. There are plenty of other people playing different games (league of legends, dota 2, starcraft 2, call of duty, fifa etc. etc.) who are also just an entertainer. People watch them because of the