Cognac McCarthy

Apt headline considering that Adam Silver looks like a B-movie cryptkeeper. 

The ref almost certainly instructed the Cameroonian players to wait for her whistle. So they’d have to run at the ball from 10 yards away as soon as the whistle is blown, but the English player is only going to need half a second or so after the whistle to play the ball. Having a cohesive wall is probably a better

It’s not. You can loathe something, but if you’re expressing reluctance you’re loath to do it.

What if I told you... Fortune 500 CEOs are mostly bumbling dopes. Or maybe that’s what you’re saying, like Drew I don’t know when anyone is joking anymore

H/t Mike

Loath*. Also it's fun and useful to see that ultra-wealthy media people are bumbling dopes that don't deserve deference or admiration.

This is more than a little hyperbolic. It depends entirely on the field you’re in and what kind of place you’d like to work at. In 2011 I was a student on the hiring committee for a tenure track history position at an elite (Midwestern, so not Ivy) liberal arts college. We turned away several applicants from Yale and

Having taught at a flagship state university for a while, I can tell you this process is starting well before the students get to college. Lots of freshmen show up with no idea how to construct a simple five-paragraph argumentative essay, and it’s increasingly on the universities to spend time shoring up those skills

Bless this wholesome basketball dweeb

Yeah but the tricky thing will be figuring out which obvious burner accounts complaining about the doctors are Durant and which are random fans

Draymond is more of an Arch Rivals kind of guy

“All told, more than half of all teams’ roster spending—52.42 percent—will go to rookie-scale contracts.”

Doug Ford getting booed and disrespected by the GM on the same day in separate incidents makes this a special championship.

Unpopular opinion but depending on the clientele and their level of wealth a guy with a gun could be a very good thing at a fancy black tie event, actually. I'm glad everyone is mostly okay here though, it's scary stuff

It's in the Special Edition

Houston is the fourth largest metro area in the country. And it's a coastal city.

Anyone with that much money is by definition a psycho

Garfield minus Garfield is great, but so too is Silent Garfield, which has the cat but no thought bubbles. It adds a level of realism that makes Jon that much more pathetic.

Actually I think the first rule of soccer is that you aren’t supposed to use your hands