@Zombies make the heart grow fonder: His name wasn't Dwight Schrute, was it? Apologies if you haven't watched this season of "The Office."
@Zombies make the heart grow fonder: His name wasn't Dwight Schrute, was it? Apologies if you haven't watched this season of "The Office."
@leftyleftylou: I'm so glad you don't still work together. Unforgivable that someone felt it was their place to tell him about what you were going through. That sucks in the extreme. Way to make a bad situation worse. Condolences.
@CatherineSloper: Yuck. There's excitement and then there's controlling, in your face, overbearing bullshit. Poor woman.
@Norton: Ha! That is awesome.
@la.donna.pietra: We were a small company in a small city, but I catch your drift. It could be that my state's laws require more coverage than others. I do see that one other person in this thread had the same experience as I did with 100% coverage, so I guess the lesson is to at least ask. At worst, you'll find…
@la.donna.pietra: Actually, my tubal ligation was 100% covered by insurance in the US. Yup. A full 100%. The only thing I paid was a single copay to the surgeon for a meeting prior to surgery. My insurance company (like many others, no doubt) crunched the numbers and realized that the cost of the surgery was far,…
@zegota: Maybe it's just me, but I preferred getting my tubes tied. I'm a very A-type personality. I like to be in control of my own destiny. And to state the terribly unromantic, if I ever got divorced (which I did) at least I wouldn't need to start the process all over with convincing a new guy to get the snippage…
I sincerely hope that things have changed since I had my tubal ligation 15 years ago, but I found several barriers to getting mine done. Mind you, I was getting one largely for health reasons. The pill shot my blood pressure into outer space. Apparently, similar life-threatening issues would be faced by me were I…
@hollygirl: Virginia is one of 8 states in the nation which will not allow you to file for domestic violence orders of protection if you are merely dating someone. There is a bill currently making its way through the state legislature to change that, but for right now, that's not an option. So the answer is, it…
@HerdingCats: Agreed. Equal coverage is certainly a goal I can get behind.
@HerdingCats: Now that I will completely agree with. I just find it unfortunate that we're having this discussion at all. All life is of value. I think that if you talk to just about anyone on a one-to-one basis, they would agree with that. It's the media which places differing values on victims. I'm just sort of…
@ragincajun67: Did you see the extra on the DVD's showing Omar as a child? Talk about having a life philosophy at a young age! He and a couple of buddies tried to rob a blue collar guy at a bus stop. The guy only had about $10 or $20 on him, but asked if he couldn't please keep his driver's license. Getting a new…
@pursedangler: I think it's likely that they are, as well. To me, it seems like overkill. But, playing devil's advocate, I'd like to at least hear what other similar offenses rate in the punishment realm. I would have thought detention or something similar. Not a two-day suspension curiously timed to be just long…
Much like the UVA student who posted below, I think the viewpoint is different here in Charlottesville. This is not a large city. It's relatively safe. Town and gown get along fairly well here. We're all quite proud of our nationally ranked university teams, here. When a student, a fellow citizen, is murdered…
It sounds like this was more than a parking violation. He parked improperly, was told to move his car and refused. So add insubordination to the list. I sincerely don't know what the appropriate punishment for refusing to obey a school official making a reasonable request for adherence to the rules would be. If in…
I can only imagine, badass that she is, Pink is frankly embarrassed to share an issue with so many versions of "please pretzel yourself into what men want" in those articles. I love Pink largely because she's the antithesis of just that. I'm not that easy, Cosmo. I'll wait for a good Rolling Stone interview, thank…
I wonder if a chick with an iPhone is a bigger draw to guys. Or is it just a sign that she might be too tech savvy and independent to be anything other than threatening to the fragile male ego.
What a nice way to say, "We know what you went through. Thanks for standing up."
Good heavens. It has the obvious "pinned/taped so as to not spill the boobage" look. I sort of expect more from my $325 dresses (if I had any).
For my work password, which expires every 90 days or so and won't let you reuse a password, I came up with a similar concept which is easy to remember and gibberish. I made up a nonsense nonword with a thrown in random capital letter and a number in it. Whenever I have to change my password, I just change the…