Cogito Ergo Bibo

I find very interesting his statements regarding the need to "reconceive" for normal humans any look shown on the 6'5", prepubescent 15-year old. That actually provides an opportunity for designers (and a nice possible challenge for Project Runway). Show the usual clothing (albeit on healthier girls not living on

@the glamwich: I hate to say it, but I was one of the 3 "Cop Rock" viewers out there back when it was on TV. I think that the problem was that they marketed it as a drama with music, when it really was a musical with drama-esque storylines. Was it cheesy? You bet! But I loved the cheese. Go figure.

Okay, Sue Sylvester rockin' the pointy bra and faux ponytail is hilarious! I think the Cheerios might have a hard time taking her seriously in that getup. Hee!

@lolo: Somehow, I can accept women buying Danica panties and wearing them in a "girl power" sort of way, more than I like the idea of women wearing panties emblazoned with some male driver's name. And even then, I'd wager that a ton of those with male drivers' names are bought by guys who went for a boys' day out and

@Step aside, Son: Yup. I sort of take that as standard merchandise in any racer's offerings, these days. Odd but true.

@lolo: I actually feel a bit protective of Danica, largely because I think people see the commercials and dismiss her as a pretty airhead. She finished fifth in overall points for Indycar last season. If that doesn't say that she is a truly talented racer, I don't know what does. Plenty of guys in Indycar wish a humorless bitch: She's still about 80% indycar and only 20% NASCAR until fall. She ran 3 races in NASCAR before the indycar season began and won't return to NASCAR until September. She finished 5th in her first race, was wrecked in one of the others (it's universally agreed she drove really,

That article really is...odd. Ostensibly, the impetus for writing it at all was her viewing the film "8 1/2" on an airplane. She states:

@ilovedavelister: I have a friend in my office who combines her couch potato ways with her love of dancing every day after work. She tosses on some really catchy dance tunes (Lady Gaga is her current favorite), cranks up the volume and dances while watching her favorite shows on TV with closed-captioning. It only

@chersolly: I was thinking exactly the same thing! Sad how quickly I jump to that presumption these days. I read too much of the tabloid stuff, I guess. But who knows?

@NefariousNewt: And I left a "way to go" reply to your post. Plus, when last I checked, 7 people had voted that they liked your posting. Yay you!

@loosesealbluth: I'm actually a little surprised Sam Bee didn't pick up on it in the script!

@onomatopizza: But the owner sold the company back in 1998. Not one dime of a pizza bought from 1998 until the present day goes to him or to those causes.

She's drunk, for heaven's sake. She's in no shape to say with any conviction what she did or didn't consent to.

You'd think he'd know about colonoscopy. Elmo lives his life with a guy's hand shoved up his butt.

@franzen: Seriously? I do hope that crap remains out there, and easily Google-able, for freakin' ever. Since he's hoping to eventually land a job in communications, his future employer deserves to know exactly what this asshat actually thinks.

@curiousgeorgiana: Hee! I'm betting a lot of countries use a 100-point scale. His poor little brain would probably implode at the thought of all those numbers.

@Kitten is an 80s rocker: I'm betting he meant "spinster" too. I do enjoy a nice show of basic ignorance in there with all the offensive stuff, though. Makes his douchosity that much more obvious.