
Madison's decision to throw their lot on with the Ottos always seemed dodgy and eventually she realised that. Ofelia and Alicia could tell Walker was a more honourable person than Poppa Otto and nutty son Troy, but the back and forth attacks got a bit repetitive. The place of the Clark family and their changing

I have to leap to Delphine's defence here. She entered the world of clones as a scientist interested in immunology and genetics. Yes, the whole monitor thing is shady, but the monitors have always had the best interests of their subjects at heart. She took on the role before meeting Cosima and was already über the

Wynonna Earp!! What a game changer!

As an exploration of a romantic relationship, Cophine is pretty compelling stuff. They have never really been in a stable, everyday position. It's always been a relationship full of tension. Delphine working for Leakie, Cosima ill. Delphine as Dyad boss then apparently dead, Cosima with Shea, pulled apart on Neolution

Troy's kind of crush on Madison is a rare film/tv younger guy-older woman dynamic. I've seen a few comments about it being Troy's mommy issues but the actor said in an interview it was more than just that. Hell, Kim Dickens is badass hot! Why not her? Quite why Madison is sort of encouraging it is less clear. Does she

Finished watching Gypsy and yes, the pace was slow and the plotting muddled at times, but I enjoyed it. Of course. I'd watch Naomi Watts look ravishing in almost anything but I kind of liked the gradually unfolding mystery, although it could have been a lot more, like, thrilling!

I'm 5 episodes in and after hearing the scathing reviews, my expectations were low. However, I'm a big Naomi Watts fan, so maybe that's why I'm quite enjoying it. Yes, its a little slow and there has been a lot of teasing and not too much action yet, but I'm intrigued by Watts' character. It's not great, but I'm going

Tennant and Coleman make such a great team. Both are actors who straddle drama and comedy so well. In comedies they bring the drama, in weighty heavy dramas like Broadchurch, there is a comic edge to them too.

After a lot of episodes of training, to finally get to a match was timely. It started out embarrassingly bad but ended up hilariously brilliant! Agreed that the black girls v the KKK old ladies was an absolute hoot. Did they ever do a fight like this on GLOW? I've never seen the appeal of wrestling but the comic

As a Brit, I watched this along with millions of others and I must say it is a much better season than the second. It's focus on a single crime that has ripples through the community harks back to season 1 and the performances are top class. Hope US viewers enjoy it!

Really enjoyed this show. All of the cast are spot on especially Marc Maron, Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin.

Not my cup of tea. I like at least a bit of narrative. Certainly bold and audacious and extremely Lynchian, but it wasn't my thing.

Yes, the continuity occasionally jars like with Delphine back in ep 6 or 7 of season 1 when she is pretty obviously shown to be sleeping with Leakie and sort of laughs at the fact Cosima made a pass at her, yet 2 episodes later tells Cosima she has fallen for her and I *think* we are supposed to believe she is

Love Alison Tolman but the voice of that dog was REALLY irritating and annoying. Is it one of the creators who does the dog voice? Made me want to punch a dog!

Logic and plausibility have no place on this show! Machiavellian scheming and juicy scenery chewing from Spacey, cool poise class from Wright and just go with the daft nuttiness. It's better than the depressing real White House!

Is the Delphine/Mrs S team up a way of getting round EBro's busy schedule? A way to film a block of scenes together separate from the rest of the cast?

Yes MK has always been more of a plot device than a character. Her quirks and oddness was a short cut to actual screen time, plus keen fans will have read the comics so could add their own backstory knowledge. On the show, a clone is often added as plot devices: Katja, MK, Tony, Jennifer - the one we only saw in video

I thought Carrie Coon would get the showiest part, but her Gloria has been in the mould of Frances McDormand and Alison Tolman - together, competent, sensible.

Love Naomi Watts! As a Brit I've always thought of her as an Aussie but most Aussies can do English accents fairly well (although Brits trying to do Aussie isn't good!)

I really liked it. Robin Wright as Claire is so opaque, you never know whether she is for real or bullshitting - even to herself sometimes. Wright is awesome and the direct address really caught my interest and made me grin!