
I'm really struggling to stay engaged with the show, but glad others are enjoying it. However, I wanted to comment on that scene with Catherine Coulson, it was just so raw and unbearably painful. Had there ever been a show with so many cast die before airing? I assume the deceased actors families all were happy to

That C grade is harsh. Thought it was a decent set up episode, although I am not a fan of the Danny Rand stuff. B for me at least

I watched the pilot when it came out and wasn't impressed. Slow moving and dull wannabe Mad Man-esque male characters I wasn't into despite Lee Pace's charisma. Didn't go back for ep 2.

I found the reveal of the actual culprit a bit anticlimactic but appropriate. Most crimes are not puzzles to be solved like an Agatha Christie whodunnits with a master criminal who plans everything including laying red herrings. The perps were not super organised master planners. What made this series - and the first

I've been a fan of OB since the first episode and was alternately eagerly anticipating and dreading this episode. I've not been a huge fan of Westmorland and the island that has been the focus this year. I actually think they've had a good bunch of baddies - Leakie, Coady, Ferdinand, Susan Duncan, I even didn't mind

I did like the like tease that the Columbian clone was hitting on Delphine. I wonder if all the gay clones would fall under the spell of Delphine's magical hair?!

She's had top spot in the end credits for a while - since series 2 I think? Pretty much every interview with Tatiana, she mentions Alexandre. I hope she gets some work too. Her actual on screen role as Alexis the Neolutionist in S3 was a fun Easter egg for OB fans.

I know I'm in the minority but I really liked Gypsy. As a Naomi Watts fan I was predisposed, but the main problem is that it was promoted as a psychological thriller and really it was (or wanted to be) an existential drama about a woman going through an identity crisis. The problem is the show didn't do a good enough

Loved the first series. Great writing. Top class acting. Gorgeous production design. It also managed to make the queen and Prince Philip as played by Claire Foy and Matt Smith as human and even kind of sexy! Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret was totally charming too. For many of us in the UK the Royals are not like

So disappointing this news led to ANOTHER nomination for unworthy House of Cards! Don't get me wrong, I like it as a soapy fantasy and Robin Wright is a goddess, but there are so many great shows and HoC does not deserve yet more nominations for costumes (apart from Robin Wright's suits, none of the costumes stood

The recent trend of not splitting acting awards into gender categories means we now are rewarding less great performances - although IMO most of the more memorable outstanding drama performances were by women - Elisabeth Moss, Nicole Kidman, Coon. For me those three were head and shoulders above anyone else.

I agree, Westmoreland has been a hammy villain. Coady, Leakie, Ferdinand, were all better villains and better, more subtle performances from those actors. (OK, no subtlety from James Frain who just revelled in being Evian and dastardly!)

Apparently Jane Campion wanted Paquin for the first series of Top of the Lake but she was pregnant with her twins. As awesome as Elisabeth Moss is, I would love to have seen Paquin in that. Would have been a great role for her after being stuck in True Blood pantomime for years!

What did the creepy Doctor slot into Rachel's eye socket? A donor eye??

I thought this was a brilliant episode that brought all of the main characters back together - only to kill off out beloved mother hen Mrs S. She has been the big organiser and protector for a while and I love that she got to take out big bad Ferdinand with her dying breath too.

Jennifer Beals is fabulous! Of course the Merle Oberon parallels are obvious as soon as you see Beals and her 'maid' but she steals every scene

A really good episode. Rachel is the clone Tatiana has said she has enjoyed playing most lately, and after being a cold heartless bitch for ages, we got some real depth and intrigue. For the first time I felt sympathy for her clinical childhood and the way the adults in her life used her as a lab rat. Leekie with hair

The Doctor Who-Broadchurch connection continues! I'd not seen much of Jodie Whittaker before her fantastic role as Beth Latimer but she was a stand-out, especially in the first season, but also in the recent third.

A great Krystal episode, and glad to see Cosima get off the island. However, with just a few episodes to go, I miss Felix, Alison, Donnie and Delphine!

The problem was Daniela Sea who played Max was not a good actor. Jenny drone me nuts but Mia Kirshner, Jennifer Beales, Kate Moennig, Leisha Hailey were good actors. Then there were excellent guest/supporting actors - Jane Lynch, Holland Taylor, Marlene Matlin etc. A hot mess at times, but a groundbreaking show.