
I agree, Doug is a slimeball but I'm pretty sure we are supposed to root for him. After stalking Rachel and being an all round creep, he almost gets killed - and deservedly so. We had to watch him struggle to recover but he is still the same awful asshole! Quite why Mrs Moretti and now Leanne find him fuckable, I

Quite a lot of running around in identical looking woods for a Sarah and Donnie/ Helena. I hope they'll all be back in Clone-ronto soon! I'm guessing we'll be on the island with Cosima and the weird science camp for a while though. So this Revival camp is a science research place where Delphine has been forced into

Sometimes a good villain you can hate adds to the enjoyment of a prison show. Pornstache in S1, the awesome Vee in S2 but I just really dislike Piscatella.

I don't watch Billion but I'm impressed with Asia Kate Dillon. They have fleshed out the character - not that I can remember the name either. Made over Nikki was disturbingly wrong whereas as Alex didn't look too different - thankfully!


Taystee's speech was so emotionally touching. Danielle Brooks can pull,of drama or comedy so well.
Another season where, so far, Alex and Piper seem to exist on a separate show to the rest of the cast. However I'm enjoying seeing Alex come to terms with her actions of last year and Piper being relatively non-annoying!

That forest scene was the best thing they've done this season IMO. Tense and scary - Nikki or Wrench really could have been killed off in the context of this show. Brutal killings and genuinely thrilling. The rest of the episode paled for me.

Although it is called The Handmaid's Tale (didn't care for The Handmaid's Husband's Tale quite as much personally) so will we get that much about Aunt Lydia or the Commander. We've had a bit of backstory to Fred and Serena and Janine obviously had a lot of focus in this episode.
Kudos to OITNB alums Madeline Brewer

'Napkins' fits in with the archaic language prevalent on the show e.g. Blessed be, under his eye etc. In this world where handmaids' reproductive systems are a public/ shared thing, evidence of monthly bleeding would be part of their lives I guess.
The discretion of a tampon is not really Gilead-like!

I saw the tv show as a kid and just found it so clever and funny. I listened to the radio episodes next and then read the books. I enjoyed them all but my first exposure, the tv series is the most memorable for me.
The film was a huge disappointment despite a cast of fine actors. It just didn't seem to capture the

I'm a Brit and to me Ewan McGregor's accent is ALL over the place. US people, how Minnesota is he??

For the first time we had a scene that worked better in the generally disappointing movie. In that film, the scene between Natasha Richardson and a resigned Elizabeth McGovern was one of the best of the not great film. Here as the review says, there was a bit too much of Max Minghella's rather wooden acting.
Yes, I

Cinema's loss is televisions gain. Fabulous actresses like Angela Bassett, Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon have been KILLING it on tv in recent months. This whole episode is also another reason why streaming services like Netflix have been great for tv. Can you imagine a network

Spot on review. Yes, well made, well acted, some fascinating world building and situations that were well drawn. I even got to like some of Luke's pals. However it's Ofred/June's story I'm most interested and Luke's wasn't as compelling or interesting to me.

Must admit, I've lost track of the timeline in terms of how much time has passed since the first 100 landed back on Earth but a time jump so the actors aren't playing 18 year olds any more is a good move. The show has set up lots of potential conflicts that aren't just retreading the Grounder v sky people again.

CAT KNOWS!!!!! Glad that question had finally been answered. I also liked the implication she might be around next year.

It's always weird when Ivonne Coll speaks English as we are so used to her always being subtitled! Loved her chat with Michael (still miss him ❤️❤️)

I loved this episode and in a pretty great season it stood out for the reasons stated. Bold storytelling choices following characters we don't know, but their stories hook us in being funny and original. I thought my Netflix was playing up when all the sound disappeared for Maya's story segment.

Disagree with the mere B+ as I thought this as another terrific episode. Yvonne Strahovski is doing a phenomenal job of making me sympathise with Serena Joy. Ok so I was biased by hearing her play Nina Simone's Wild is the Wind in her pre-Gilead days (my all time favourite record!) but it was fascinating to see the

SUCH a good episode with so many stand out moments. Badass Alex jumping off a building and shooting the baddies. Rhea's evil manipulation of MonEl and Lena - and their surprisingly fun team up to escape. Cat recognises James instantly. The Kara/Cat dumpster chat. Cat and Winn at Catco. Alex and Kara's emotional