
Agreed that this would have made a pretty satisfying series finale, but I was also intrigued by the little girl and grown up, presumably saviour, Henry. I still wonder how they can make it work with Hook staying but Emma and the Charmings leaving. How can only Hook, Regina and Rumple be around?

See I thought S4 was a big improvement over S3 generally. The rise of Krystal as a character, the Beth flashbacks, and Rachel and the Brightborn clinic with her mother were all strong storyline IMO. Plus. DELPHINE LIVES! 😀😀😀

Jasper has been annoying since he lost his gf in the Mt Weather incident and I was definitely ready for him to die! The idea of a kind of suicide cult in the face of a nuclear winter was kind of interesting to show different attitudes to it but boy, were that bunch self righteous idiots! Good riddance!

She's done a great job on the show. As mentioned, the role is expanded from the book. It's been a long time since I read it so can't remember her importance in the book. Bledel has been a revelation IMO. The show says a lot with looks and silences, but Moss, Bledel and Strahovski are outstanding as women in varying…

To be honest, I had very low expectations for a 'James heavy' episode so was pleasantly surprised. I liked the rethink of whether being Guardian is working for James and the people of National City. I've always thought his motivation about his dads camera being broken was ridiculous. He is friends with superheroes so…

He's only second due to alphabetical order! I guess after Melissa, Chyler Leigh, Brooks and Jeremy Jordan share the next tier of status, with David Harewood getting the 'and' (or did Calista Flockhart have the 'and' in season 1?

In retrospect, its surprising Once hasn't done a musical before being so Disney! I thought the songs were a lot of fun and the cast were all good singers. Jennifer Morrison's voice surprised me as I didn't expect her to sound like that. From comments, she says she has a musical theatre background and she did sound…

I was laughing at va-GUY-na 😀

Must admit I've not been paying close attention so how many CAN that bunker hold? How many Sky crew and how many of the other tribes? For a show with a number in the title, there's a lot of maths to do right now!

So much to mull over with each new episode. Yvonne Strahovski is doing a great job as Serena and I like that they give us glimpses of her feelings. She is ignored by her husband when she gives advice and rejected when trying to help him out. Her vindictiveness towards Offred is understandable if nasty. Basically, life…

I'm and Anne Dudek fan from her days on House. Why an actress of her talent hasn't been in more things, I didn't know. However, her and HR being quirky was a tad annoying after a while.

Power to the girls! Loved the focus on the females this week. Kara and Maggie were due to have some sort of interaction and as Kara and Alex are so close, the addition of Maggie inevitably will affect their relationship. Liked that we've seen slightly reckless Kara through out the series. She has rushed in without…

So Rumple is potentially double crossing the Charming family yet again? Anyone keeping count? And will he really abandon them all to Jaime Murray's Black Fairy or will there be a last minute triple cross?

I missed Kevin jr, Nora and the Miracle people. Scott Glen and Lindsey Duncan are top actors but it was a bit of a slow one for me

Not a book reader and found Legion tedious and pretentious, and after this first episode I don't think this show is for me. I had no idea who the people were and the script didn't do a good enough job of drawing me in.
The reviewer mention how well drawn the female characters were.. really? Were we watching the same…

After seeing the quality of work on TV for actresses like Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange whereas Swank hasn't had a decent film role in ages, I bet she was keen to get in on the tv boom. Movies are either superheroes, action franchises or very small niche films. Dramas offering good…

Guess I like Bridget Regan more than I like Elisabeth Rohm but I was delighted to see Rose back, even if, I agree, her presence at the hotel makes no real sense. Still, she is back on the show for 5 mins and Regan gets to strip down to her undies!
Equal rights objectifying though with hunky but dim Fabian barely…

I really enjoyed this episode a lot. With no Alex and minimal Mon-El, it was Lena and Snapper and charming guest Rahul Kohli who held it together. I agree that they raced through a lot of Lena/ Jack in one episode. Past relationship, regrets, reconnect, betrayal and loss is quite a lot to take. However, Katie McGrath…

Jeez, the best actress in limited series/ movie is going to be one of the highest quality EVER! Lange was heartbreakingly good, Sarandon nailed Bette so well. Add Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon in Big Little Lies giving stellar performances. I believe Oprah's HBO movie is in the same category and I was just blown…

This episode was a lot of fun, although in terms of plot progress, this whole season has been snails pace!