
I've enjoyed this crossover story a lot, but this was barely a Legends of Tomorrow episode! I expected Sarah or Ray to have a bigger role to play but it was largely Oliver and Barry.

I have been singing 'working on building, working on building… STARS HOLLOW!' all week! It was long but awesomely cringeworthy! Do you think Sutton Foster and Christian Borle were singing live as Broadway vets?

Well I was fooled! Thought they were going there with Lena being part of the Luther family business. Glad she turned out to be better than that. I did want another scene with her and Supergirl to address her actions. Brenda Strong is so good, I hope we've not seen the last of the scheming Doctor Cadmus.

Just finished watching the 4 parts and I really enjoyed this revival. I think the Palladinos did a great job with serving the characters, catching us up with everyone but importantly, showing how they have moved - or not! For me, Rory's love life was the weakest part of the show. I always liked Richard and Emily and

It's hard to see the team becoming a team again after everything that has gone on since Barry's flashpoint. Surely the only,ways to fix things will be another time jump and reset?
I love Caitlin and Danielle P, so I'm glad she got a good juicy role this week.

I'm a bit disappointed Petra is back to being the bitchy two dimensional character we saw at the start of the series. Petra has built relationships with Jane, had twins and made peace with Raf, but all that has been lost with this storyline. Disappointing.

After a strong run of episodes, this one was a bit slow. Considering Kara is a 'super', she's been bested A LOT this season. Even Mrs Luther gets in a slap.

Evan Rachel Wood was nominated for an award last week - Critics choice was it? But IMO Thandie Newton has been by far the standout on this show.

As a Brit, I wasn't sure about John Lithgow as possibly the most famous Brit ever and a real icon. I agree he's walked a fine line between caricature and just eccentric. In this episode, Lithgow showed a great man battling time, getting old but refusing to go gently. No idea how accurate the portrayal of his jousting

This show is just so consistently great, and another fab episode this week. I love Petra but had really enjoyed her softening a bit and building a friendship with Jane. I was waiting (hoping) Rafael would say to her at the end when Petra moaned about her being petrafied for 3 months and no one notices 'Jane noticed.'

Fantastic episode! Thought Alex's coming out story was beautifully written and acted - although quite fast from 'you could be right' at the end of the last episode, telling Kara, first kiss and polite brush off/ first heart break.

One of the best episodes in a while IMO as it used the core cast rather than dodgy accented guest stars. Lana Parilla is the MVP of the show and she did a great job in her three roles. As a bot of a SwanQueen fan, I love to see Regina and Emma working together and their dilemma and their mutual concern for Henry was

I'm sorry Greg won't be on the show any more. Wondering whether they will make the show less about Rebecca's obsession with the men in her life. Interesting how appalled she was when Paula suggested she just be herself. Rachel's self loathing is part of her illness I think, but I'm hoping her new room mate can signal

Jared Harris is terrific as the King. Although really, the whole cast are doing a great job of humanising characters we think we know. However, depending on your age and geographical location, your opinion will undoubtedly be incomplete. It's interesting to see Margaret talk about the public being with her. I'm not

Who else became an iguana fan? RUN BABY IGUANA, RUN!

Wrong. I know a lot of women who follow the expected route of dating guys, maybe getting married before realising lafter in life that they are attracted to women. In many ways it is far more convincing that someone one in their 30s or 40s could meet someone who opens their eyes to other feelings than the societal

Rita Wilson and Lyndsey Fonseca as guest stars - and both characters that could work as semi regulars. Hope they don't just drop Ginny's panic attacks and mental health issues. I also would like to see Fonseca as a friend for Ginny. She had no reason to be nice to her and not exploit having that video but for the fact

Ryan Murphy's run of shows with a lot of the same actors is impressive. While the shows he makes are fun like this season of AHS has turned out to be, or just plain great like People vs OJ then I'm happy. Love Bates, Lange and Paulson and I think Sarandon will be a fab addition to the company. Class actor. The story

Sarah Paulson continues to be comedy gold! Audrey is probably the most fun character she's played on AHS - or maybe psychic Billie Dean. Loved her message to her fans nod sacrificing her Burberry for Monet. I've loved Adina Porter is so many shows, jut a great character actress and she definitely took centre stage

Rebecca drives me nuts with her Josh obsession! Of course, that is the whole point of the show, but I felt bad for poor Greg. That duck pond scene was great because of the way it showed two people with terrible timing and pretty poor judgement too.